...as a side note before I even begin, I started listening to Christmas music today. Just a couple songs. There are random moments in life when I remember that the rules from childhood (eg. no Christmas music until December 1st which is also the same day heat was allowed to be turned on in our house) don't matter and no longer apply. Sometimes it is a bit too exciting to realize these things.
Last night, I was at an event with church. It was for ministry leaders, community group leaders, and apprentices. I fall under the apprentice category so I was blessed to attend. I felt like a fish out of water. I so often get reminded that yet I know a lot, I still have so much to learn. It's discouraging, and yet inspiring to continually pursue the Lord and his word, which gives life. The talk, and discussion, was about creation. It looked at who God is, who he created us to be, and why he created us. It was quite interesting. I'm always amazed by people who can look at several chapters of the Bible and highlight so much truth in amidst it. I feel like when I read the Bible, I learn little bits, but never as much as I do when I'm taught the Bible. It's such a gift, to be a teacher of the word. A burdensome gift; a gift nonetheless.
Then today I had a beautiful conversation with a friend about honouring God amidst singleness, and figuring out how to battle loneliness. At church on Sunday, James said something along the lines of, "more so than wanting to make us sin, the devil wants us to feel condemned and ashamed of our sin, because even he knows that sin was atoned for and forgiven on the cross". This idea that our guilt holds us back. We were chatting about this, how so often it is ourselves that holds our self back. We give off the "everything is great" attitude day after day and then wonder why everyday is so hard. I think that God is so much more about love than we even can imagine.
The fact that he created humans the way he did, after he had already made the rest of creation suitable for them, shows love. The fact that he gave them everything that they needed to survive and allowed them to walk and talk with him showed his love. The fact that he gave Adam the duty of naming the animals, an authority over each animal, shows that love he had for Adam. The fact that he brought together Adam and Eve from two ribs to one is significant. Norm chatted about this last night - the first marriage wasn't the union of two people. It was the union of one man into a woman who then became his wife. This is God's love. God creates. It's mind blowing this love God has for his creation, and most specifically man and woman. The fact that he sent his son speaks volumes. The fact that .... need I go on?
Tonight marks a first for me. I'm apprenticing to be a community group leader with westside and tonight I am leading the group. I'm excited. I'm nervous. Gosh I'm nervous. It's funny how I've felt this call to leadership for my entire life, and yet since moving to Vancouver have done had very few leadership opportunities and roles. What were all those courses that I aced for then? What Lord? If you read this before this evening you can even pray for this evening! And if you read it after well ... a prayer spoken after is probably just as effective as one before.
Yesterday I witnessed a car accident. I was turning left, and the person across from my side of the intersection turned left when they should not have and were hit by someone coming from my side. Eek. I turned left as soon as I could, and pulled over as soon as I could, called 911, ran back to check on everybody. Everyone was so calm and no one has hurt. Praise Jesus. It was also surreal. I was telling my Mom that we all have a quota of accidents for us and since I have now been in an accident and seen an accident, I'm all done!- why did I share this? - I don't have a reason.
Today after class I was walking back to the sky train to go home. As I walked amidst strangers, casually chatting to themselves, I wondered how to be more mission focused in my living. How do I live our the gospel when I walk down the street? How do I tell my apartment co-existers that I love Jesus and that he loves them? This is where I wrestle now.
My song of the day is by Kari Jobe called "We are". It's beautiful.
we are the light of the world