Look. Will you just let yourself look for one minute? Cause if you do you're going to notice that thing you've been missing.
Open your eyes sweet soul.
Open your joy again.
Look deep into the wells of your heart and grab back onto the hope you've held onto so long. Grab it back! Don't just hold it like it's natural. Recognize that hope is hard and hope is real.
Look! You're starting to catch on. You're starting to see that there is purpose in this season.
Look to the One who you love because He is the One who is always looking at you.
Look dear heart. His love is bigger than your fear. His grace is wider than your shame. His kindness covers your sorrows and His hands are covering you. Wait, His hands are cupping your face, drying your tears, and whispering this:
Look child, I'm here. Hope again.
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