First things first!
Ashley (aka one of my favourite bloggers and people around) hosts a monthly link-up called The Girl Behind the Blog and offers a space for bloggers to share by video a little bit about themselves. Here's my video! Watch it, and go to her blog to meet her and go watch a bunch of videos. YAY! HERE WE GO! The prompt this month is to share what is on your heart. That is a good thing for this girl who absolutely loves talking.
I'm super funny! Right??!?! Ha. Well, I think I am, which probably is a bad gauge of funniness!
P.S. I mentioned loving out. I wrote about that here! That piece on loving out remains a favourite for my heart.
AND NOW let's talk about honouring out husbands! Stick around okay.
I'm the single girl sharing words about husbands, yep I am.
Lovely Jac of Babe Blessings (aka another lovely blogger whom I love a whole lot) is hosting a series over 2013 called the Godly Wife Series. She was kind enough to let me be a part even though I don't even have a husband! This month is on honouring your husband. I wrote a piece at the beginning of the month which received a lot of attention (just statistically speaking) and which I actually touched on what God truly kept pushing onto my heart this month as I thought about it.
But in all honesty, I had expectations for what honour would look like for me. I really did. I thought God would reveal a lot of things to my soul this month about honouring my husband.
But I heard only one thing.
Stop thinking about him.
So I am. I didn't expect this. I didn't even want this. But I'm starting to listen.
And you know what, I think I'm honouring this potential future husband more than ever because I've noticed some subtle shifts in my heart.
I've caught myself not being as jealous of those around me.
I've caught myself genuinally excited when engagements have been announced.
I've noticed a lack of grumpiness around being single.
I've also had some moments where, like every month, like every single time I dwell on singleness, I've gotten sad.
Shifting my thoughts hasn't changed the fact that I am still as single as ever and still desire being married as much as ever, but not dwelling on my future husband has caused my heart to choose to rest in my identity in Christ instead of my identity as a single.
I've also noticed that the things I have on my life list of things to do once I'm married can probably happen now. I read a great article this week about singles and while I liked the whole thing, and the words about doing things now instead of when life starts (even tying that, it seems absolutely ridiculous to live as if now isn't really living. As if the life God has given me isn't enough. That's rude to my Saviour) really struck me. I also read another one that was great. It was apparently the week of good article on singleness for me!
If I get to be married, maybe it'll be this year. Maybe it'll be next. Maybe it'll be when I'm 40.
I really don't know when and if that day will come, but I do know that God wants me to honour HIM before I honour anything else.
So am I working to honour my future husband? Yep. Completely!
And right now, the best way I can honour him is not letting myself think about him each day.
See, it's not very profound. I really had HUGE expectations for this month and I truly feel a bit let down. But let down in a way that is great because it means that God has in a sense, let me off the hook.
I don't have to think about my future husband every single day. I get to think about my current love - the love that will remain throughout all things - the love of Jesus.
I don't have to constantly wonder if each person I meet is my future husband because I serve the author of time, and HE has got this. He's got it. Why would I think that I need to stress about it?
I get to rest in the truth that God's plan is perfect, and that means today is good.
Honouring my potential husband starts with honouring the will of my God.
There is a great link-up with Jac that I'd love to invite you in on. Take the time to add either something you've written today about honouring your husband, or about honouring your future husband, or share something that has to do with honour. We've love to read your words. Be sure to pop on over to her blog to link-up or do it below (if it works!)
Regardless of your status, how are you? How's it going to trust God's plan, to honour God before man, and to love God before you love anything else? I'm not very good at it but I'm excited to get better.
AND, what's the link to your VLOG? I'd love to watch it. Last month I watched almost every single one!