She’s about to leave for a few months to intern with a non-profit in San Fransico.
She’s also one of my longest running friends. We met in high school while working at a summer camp and have kept touch throughout the years and now are close friends.
When I moved to Vancouver 4 years ago, she was one of the three people I knew. Since then we’ve become dear friends. I stood beside her in her wedding, and she’s the friend I want to be pregnant with, travel with our spouses, friends forever type of friend. And since we’re 10 years into this friendship, the chances are high we’ll remain friends. Right Christy??
Anyway, adventure.
She was up for it as she always is, so we drove out of Vancouver to a nearby town, walked through an outdoor mall (not every adventurous but certainly fun), and then went over to Ambleside. I parked the car and we wandered over to the water.
We laughed and chatted and I snapped pictures of the ground and the water, the bridge and the barges, pictures of her, pictures of us.
Then she made me give her my phone to take pictures of me.I got super awkward. It was okay when she asked me to look out at the water because that just felt normal, but then she told me to turn around and look at her.
As I did, I was laughing because I felt so stinking awkward. I saw people walking along the path and I worried about their reactions to me. My pride and fear held hands and asked me to join them.
She told me the pictures were great. I figured she was pulling a bestie move and just being kind.
Side note: have I even read my blog last week, didn’t I just learn to agree with people when they say nice things - lots to learn still I think.
I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the ones she had just taken. And you know what? The pictures were beautiful. I was laughing and I was happy and it was so nice.
And that last one above, it's my new favourite picture of myself.