Early evening yesterday, my friend Stef came over. I already had the front door open and was enjoying the surprisingly spring-like weather. She walked in and I suggested a walk. My roommate Alex joined us and we set off. We talked about our hearts and the things going on, and it was lovely.
We got home and enjoyed dinner and more conversation.
At one point, Stef asked me what my story was.
For the next, probably thirty minutes of longer, I shared my testimony.
It’s easy now, four years into a solid relationship with Christ to forget the nearly two years I spent not living for Him It’s easy to forget how very enticed I became with sin, how I served myself, and how He kept protecting me.
I often tell people of how, during my time away from Christ, I made decisions that should have had very distinct and serious repercussions. And God, in His sovereign grace, protected me. He didn’t let things happen that should have, and part of the reason I came back to Him and started to believe the Gospel was because I was so annoyed by His protection.
I’m praying for a heart that better remembers that time, that has better compassion on those who don’t yet believe (or even won’t ever) in the Gospel.
I’m remembering that grace is so good, even better the more I know it.
Jesus saves. He saved me and I really believe that He will save more.
Tell your story. Remind yourself that once you were blind and now you see. Remind yourself that at one time you were dead in your sin, but now you are alive in Christ.
Remind yourself that Jesus saved you from the darkest and worst thing possible, which is eternity away from Him. He gave you Himself, and that is truly the best.