There were big laughs, fun vacations (whose pictures are littered in this post), lots of big life decision moments, and good conversations. (and more of course!!!)
Sometimes I wish I could invite everybody over and just share all the stuff that goes on. Because life goes on. In mine and in yours.
But instead, I'll just give ya a chance to read some posts (that I'm sure you've already read because of course you did right? Oh no, well, you're welcome! HERE they all are again) from 2012.
I was trying to decide how to do a recap post and I realized that my favourites are the ones where people point to the words they wrote that impacted themselves and their life the most. Well, that and the funny ones. But I've only recently ventured into sharing my funny self online. 2013 will be more authentically me - dancing, Jesus, laughter, Jesus, dancing, silly faces, bad pictures, and lotsa fun!
So here is 2012 in links to words:
Turning 23 and dressing up a nautical themed party!
Hearing God tell me "why are you worrying about that? Just wait a couple pages. I've got your whole book up here".
Making the name change from from the sight of a city girl to a Secondary Heartbeat. THIS WAS BIG PEOPLE! It took me a long time to make a decision on a name. The design process was already happening back here so you can imagine how indecisive I was to take until recently to actually have the final design up.
Recognizing that grace is not a DIY. (I should probably reread this post to myself every single day. Because I forget this every single day).
Reflecting with girls I've known since elementary school how though we've known God our whole lives, our faith is still so fresh and growing.
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And then - writing these words, which were one of my first attempts are being bold on my blog:
A friend of mine describes facebook as the devil's playground which makes me want to throw up.
Not because I disagree - because I do agree - but because everything in the entire world is the devil's playground.
The earth is his playground.
This is his territory.
If we let one thing become his (as in we decide in our mind that if only we get rid of that one thing then our sin issue will be gone), we've forgotten that he has a sense of dominion here.
Watching God grab my pile of stuff I so often bring to Him and hearing Him remind me of Himself.
Tweeting with a stranger inspired this post. It's one of my most favourites from the year. LOVE OUT!
I welcomed the blog world over for coffee! (this post led to a super good conversation with a dear friend who called me out on something I had realized mid post - the fact that I had stopped sharing me with my friends - I was trying to act strong and as if I didn't have problems, which wasn't fooling anybody)
I considered entitling this next post "Jesus: the biggest bad ass of all time".
Finding freedom in writing as I realized that I didn't need to put a verse in every post, preface everything with the right words and finally found peace in realizing that Jesus is in my always.
Posting a funny video. If you haven't already watched it - you should! I'm serious. Not for my sake - for your own. It'll brighten your day for sure because I promise I'm a dork.
And then finishing my year off with a BANG with these words: "Devotions is not an instagram photo". Yeah. That. a post where I thought long and hard whether the "is" should be an "are". I'm still not sure. And a post where I almost deleted my words numerous times. And where I've almost gone back several times to delete it, even though I've gotten numerous emails, tweets, comments, DM, and more feedback than every before of woman who are so encouraged. People - that is Jesus. Only Jesus puts words on my fingertips (and in my heart) that are what you need to hear. ALL JESUS!
Lots of other stuff happened.
I went to Ontario, Vegas, and Portland!
I interned with a non-profit.
I dropped out of college mid-semester. I'm still waiting to see the outcome of that.
I kind of see my blog (and life really) like a haircut.
If you're anything like me, I look back on haircuts and go what was I thinking?!?! I always think it looked absolutely perfect and stunning and just right and dang girl . . . and then look back and go what the . . . ?
As I read through this year of posts, I read things that aren't where I stand now, and I read things that are written very very very poorly (kind of like this paragraph, and post, and more) but I also saw God working.
God redeems bad hair and poorly written blogs and souls that were far off but are now near - only by the grace of Jesus.
The haircut might change around here but the soul will remain.
I'm sorry. Kinda. Actually not at all.
So . . .
2012. It's all done now. Well, at least almost.
I'm praying for joy in 2013. And good hair.
Happy New Year!
P.S. 2013 I'm starting a blog series that will last for 150 posts. Intrigued? Be sure to come back!