This morning's prayer:
Me: God, do you think we could go like, a few days or something without you teaching me something or revealing a new sin issue?
God: Um, maybe when that isn't your prayer anymore we can think about it.
Me: hm ... you're right. Wow, good job on convicting my heart even while I'm praying to you.
God: Yeah, I know.
I keep waiting to be let out of this season of constant conviction, consistent need for change, and growing need for Jesus. Yet I also never want to be let out of this because I'll always need more Jesus, there are always sin issues that desperately need the transforming work of the Holy Spirit through grace, and I'm one hundred percent positive that God is never going to be done showing sweet conviction to my heart.
At my new job, there is a verse that sits (very strategically I think) above the dishes area.
It reads:
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
(Colossians 3:23)
That's my prayer for (most) everything right now.
That I would work willingly at whatever I do.
Because I am working for the Lord.
We're working for the Lord so let's do it without grumbling or complaining. (Do all things without grumbling or disputing - Philippians 2:14 ESV - it's in the Bible, so let's just go ahead and do all thing without grumpy hearts)
This morning as I did the dishes and looked at that verse, I had a verse float through my mind -
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.
(James 5:13 ESV)
Life is golden for me right now. I have a new job, new roommate, and lots of other good stuff going on. God's given me some freedom in areas where I was holding onto my chains. He's broken free a lot of stuff that had been shut in for far too long. I opened up to some friends about sin issues in my life, and that is always a good thing - hidden sin remains growing sin while exposed sin must be dealt with. Sweet conviction is covering my every move it seems - and that wasn't pride speaking, that was gratefulness for grace speaking.
So I'm cheerful.
Why am I joyful? Because I love Jesus.
So I'm going to sing some praise.