Please take one little second to appreciate that I'm not a photographer nor do I have an excellent camera. Okay, breathe, and go!
I went shopping to Ikea with my lovely sister. You can't tell from this picture but she is pregnant! She's also beautiful - which you can tell from this picture.
We had our latest be.loved meeting! It's always fun to chat with these ladies, pray about our lives, pray for the blog ministry, and spend a bit of time laughing as well! I love these girls.
My roommate and I redecorated our apartment this afternoon! We still have more ideas and things that we plan on doing, but we got lots done.
I ordered this little bunny via modcloth
a while ago. He's meant to be a ring holder but size wise he just looks
much cuter on our kitchen table. I now have two different modcloth jewelry holders that I use as decorations rather than for jewelry. Meh - they're so cute!
I found this
chalkboard at Ikea months ago! Once Christie moved in, we realized that
she had one as well. Mine finally made it up into our front entry way
today! Stocked with chalk, love notes, and paper for quick notes to each
other - we're good to go!
This first one from Philippians 4:8 is my favourite.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
I love love love that our home is now filled with scripture.We've got scripture and/or worshipful lyrics in our entry way, hallway, dining room, and bedrooms. Surrounding our home with truth seems like an excellent use of decorating!
It was really important to me to order
this print below. I saw the same scripture at a friends place on their
wall in the kitchen and fell in love with it. When I saw this print in
Jessi's store I knew I wanted it for my home.
I know my picture quality isn't incredible, but just know - the first thing you see when you walk into our home is this verse:
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
(Joshua 24:15b)
It took me a while to decide on framing these different prints. I ended
up putting all the ones that were scriptures in the black frames and
these two song lyrics in the white. I love how they look. I couldn't
figure out a way to take a good picture with my phone but we placed
these two beside a yellow clock and fun pink frame and the four look
fantastic together! Come over, I'll show you.
I LOVE my nail polish colour. I cashed in a coupon last week and had a spa day! It was so fun to spend a few hours not at work, online, or with people I knew! I just got to sit and rest.My nails are solidly chipped now but I still love looking at my fingers and seeing red! It's like a fun moment each time I notice them.
Some days are two coffee cup days! Yesterday morning was one of them.
My church had a ministry appreciation night. We got to watch baseball and eat food. Fun and yum. A friend of mine made this beautiful little sign! Yay sports!
Some guy friends hosted a big party at their place because they're moving to a new home. It was so fun to laugh and dance with friends. It truly was the last luau. Well, until next time.
AND THEN . . . just this morning - I dyed my hair blonde! EEK! I lightened in a few months ago in preparation for this day.
Hello there.
Getting my hair done is always an adventure because I have to take my glasses off for some of it. Every time, my stylist Eliza makes a comment right around when a normal seeing person would be making faces (happy ones of course) at their new hair "oh yeah, you can't see". I like to wait until it's almost done before I look so it's always a fun surprise! BLONDE!
I'm linking up with Kacia + Robot for Summer Friday - on Saturday - for this photo spectacular.
That was a quick snapshot into life lately.