What's in a name? A lot or a little? I can't quite decide. I have decided, however, to change the name of this blog.
When I moved to Vancouver just over two years ago, I came here to find God. I was sick of a double life and moved here to change my surroundings and I began a slow surrender to Jesus. It took me a while to find my Jesus feet again but eventually He found me!
At the beginning I mostly wrote about all the things I did but these days I write (and want to write more) about what God is teaching me.
Thus begins
a Secondary Heartbeat.
I've got two heartbeats in me. One is my own. The other is run by Jesus. He's working in me to live for Him.
One is natural and beats just like any other 'ol heart. The other beats for Jesus. He's pushing that secondary heartbeat to beat different than culture, different than human nature, and to beat exactly the way He designed it to beat.
At my church, they talk often about "checking your heart". It's a beautiful reminder to make sure that your heart is aligned with your Saviour. It's typically said when checking motivation for why you might be doing something. I want Jesus to be checking my heart.
As sinners, we gravitate to sin. By Jesus, we're pushed into grace.
I need Christ to be my secondary heartbeat.
I'm often told by people that they love my heart. I think I should assume they mean the way I demonstrate my love for Jesus (or at least I hope that's what I should assume since it might be odd if they actually love my physical heart).
To me, those compliments are both surprising and exciting - if only they saw the sickly sinful state of my heart! I sin often, need grace more than I think, and am constantly messing things up. Time for more grace. I have pride issues, fear issues, and more sins than I care to admit. The exciting part is that maybe just maybe Jesus is working in me! Okay, not maybe - Christ is working and demonstrating grace daily in me. Wow.
Jesus forgives my sins.
Jesus is my hope.
Jesus is my joy.
Jesus fills my heart with peace and reminds me that He's not through with me yet.
There are two verses that I have called life verses, however cliche and awful the term "life verse" may sound like, for several years.
Proverbs 3:3 says:
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart."
Matthew 14:14 says:
"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick."
These verses help me live out my secondary heartbeat. I attempt to live with love and with faithfulness bounded around me. I attempt to live with compassion for whomever I meet regardless of my personal circumstance or emotion. All these things are based out of a love for Jesus, only known because of all He did on the cross and by raising up from the dead. Oh praise Him!
Let's journey together.
Welcome to a Secondary Heartbeat.
On a strictly practical note, I changed the name because "from the sight of a city girl" is sooooooo long. I myself can barely remember it. I wanted things to be easier and to reflect my heart for Jesus.
The new url is similar to my twitter name which I've been using for months to try it out and see if it fit. The url is www.nadinewouldsay.com because these are my words - and I say them. Easy peasy. So much better than before.
On a strictly practical note, I changed the name because "from the sight of a city girl" is sooooooo long. I myself can barely remember it. I wanted things to be easier and to reflect my heart for Jesus.
The new url is similar to my twitter name which I've been using for months to try it out and see if it fit. The url is www.nadinewouldsay.com because these are my words - and I say them. Easy peasy. So much better than before.