07 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 20
Today, I really wanted to share a graphic that had this entire scripture on it, but as I went to write this, late last night, starting my words just 5 minutes before I had decided HAD to be sleep time, I realized that this verse, Psalm 20:4, it's my prayer right now. It's my prayer for all my sweet friends who linked-up yesterday, for the friends who didn't, for the friends unknown, for the enemies and the hated, for the broken and for the whole.
What's your heart's desire?
What's your plan?
If I'm honest, and what am I but honest around here, my heart's desire is to be married, to be a Mom, to have a home, to have people over for dinner often, and to lie in bed beside my best friend. And sometimes my heart aches that that desire isn't yet. But I trust in the God bigger than my desires and so truly, my desire is for Jesus to be made known in all that I do.
And my plan. I've got no clue. Life switched a bit this week and I've been throw off my game (not that I have much game) so to be honest, I'm just kinda trying to get through this week. And then the next. And then the next. Yet also seeing Jesus work in big and mighty ways, because where I am weak (everywhere) He is strong (therefore everywhere). So my plan is to keep being weak. Because strength gets me um . . . well, it certainly doesn't help me out at all.
Share with me. What's that desire deep in you? What's the plan?
P.S. Today some sweet friends are starting a link-up called little life lessons. So my lesson in all of this, something that I can't say I have already learned, but what I'm learning, is that admitting my brokenness is sometimes the strongest and bravest thing to do. A friend and I were talking after community group last night about out mutual struggles in life right now and I said: we relate more to brokenness than strength. That's my life lessen for ya. You really should stop pretending to be strong. You're the only one you've got fooled. The rest of us are just waiting for you to admit it so we can start sharing life with you.