Yesterday was a really good day.
I called my Mom, and speaking of the thing that happened (aka the part I won't share online), I said something similar to I think this is the first thing I've been excited about in a while.
I've been in a mundane season, life wise. God is good, and there certainly has been joy, but there has also been a lot of stretching, a lot of pain, and a lot of pleading.
With She Reads Truth (it's an online group of women reading through scripture together. I'm not very good at engaging in the community there, but I do read along), we're doing a series on prayer. Yesterday it spoke of taking your petitions to God, regardless of the size.
A small portion of the write up yesterday encouraged me with these words:
Be specific when you pray. Don’t be afraid that He can’t handle your needs and desires.
I can't really say why, but it just encouraged me. In that moment, I asked God for 3 specific things. One related to work, one to home, and one to heart. I'll bet anybody who has been around here for any length of time would be able to guess the heart prayer.
I prayed in confidence to God. I prayed specifically and with boldness.
And something happened. Some of the weight I've been feeling, most of it self-placed weight, just seemed to disappear. The thing I mentioned earlier happened, which sparked a piece of joy in me that I hadn't have in ages.
I spent some time walking around in one of my favourite neighbourhoods as of late, spent time working on community group stuff, drank a nice latte, walked some more, went by the water, took pictures of mountains, and just enjoyed the newness that is spring.
A few of my favourite bloggers, Lindsey, Hayley, and Jessi, have been sharing a bit about being refreshed this week. I think I'm catching on to what they're seeking.
I cry to God for help and He hears me.
My mourning is dancing now. It wasn't yesterday morning, it wasn't yesterday at noon, and it really really really wasn't Tuesday night around midnight as I cried in bed or Monday night at 10 pm as I cried on the floor. It became dancing at 3:22 pm yesterday. Something happened and suddenly I wasn't as grumpy or lost.
God has clothed me with gladness.
My heart is glad.
Are you glad? I always think that the word glad is a funny one. Funny and wonderful.
What are you glad about? What do you want to be glad about?