09 May 2013
{a walk through} psalm 38
I shared on Tuesday how I'd opened the draft on Sunday and seen the verse that I had picked weeks ago, and how it had been really just excellent for the moment I was walking.
And so it goes again today. I wrote this last night after coming home from community group, and it was just so good last night! Fruitful and honest conversations about what Jesus has done, is doing, where we're not seeing Him, where we're not measuring up, where we're seeing Him pour out grace and mercy, and just good and beautiful dialogue. It's what community is for.
So I popped home after and walked over to this computer of mine and opened this document and prayed oh Jesus, let this be a good one.
And look at that verse! It's incredible.
Because there are two best parts of the Gospel, in my opinion.
The first best part is that all have fallen short of the glory of God.
I kind of sigh a big relief sigh when I remember that, because there is a sense of comradery in it.
That I'm not the only one who sins.
That I'm not the only one who falls short.
That I'm not the only one in absolutely desperate need of help.
And then the other best part, the really very truly best part of the Gospel.
That Christ died a sinner's death so that those who call upon His name don't have to anymore
Now that, that is good news.
In the quick drive from community group to home, I asked Jesus some questions, about pride and humility, issues I often struggle with - mostly in finding the balance - and during community group I had confessed some sins to the group that I was walking through.
And you know what Jesus said to me, and what He is saying to you?
You are forgiven.
You are a new creation.
Walk in the newness of life.
My freedom, I give to you.
grace upon grace upon . . . grace.
When we call upon Jesus, we answers us.
Friend, I don't know your story. I don't know where you are today. But I do know that Jesus loves you, and desires to be in community with you.