12 July 2013
How to live a well balanced life
Today I want to take a little breath, or maybe a big one. Will you take one with me? Let's do a few.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Don't worry, I'm not about to give you a yoga pose.
I've got a lot of friends walking through seasons that are difficult.
Seasons that are long, seasons that are too quick, seasons that are full, and seasons that are empty.
But one thing I know, without a shadow of a doubt, is that God is with each of us in each moment, no matter what. The way that we experience Him is different, of course, but even when we don't feel Him, He still remains with us.
My sister Lynette has talked to me about how she never wants her life to balance and how she wants to integrate in each thing the best she can. I certainly can't explain it the way she does, which is really beautiful, but I get it in my heart.
When I try to balance everything, I tend to fall over.
When I learn to adapt, adjust, and be on the watch for things coming up, I usually can do a bit better job at not toppling right on over.
Have you listened to the song at the top of this post? I kinda think you should. Slow your whole day down, take a listen, turn off all the things except the song, bask in it, and then come back.
If you've got kids, gather them in. If you don't have kids, well, welcome to my life. We all need the truth in the song today.
Scripture tells me to trust in the Lord with all of my heart, and to not lean on my own understanding. So I guess that means that I get to trust in the Lord with all of my heart, and that I don't get to lean on my own understanding.
Okay. Cool.
Trusting in God isn't always easy, but it is always right.
So today let's take some big breathes, take off our burdens, trust God a bit more than we did yesterday, and stop trying to keep ourselves together.
Let's just be honest here, okay? I'd much rather we be honest here.
How's it going?
I'm an odd mixture of really good and really terrified. I've asked God to really speak to me, and when I do that, He does, so um, I'm just trying to listen up really really well and then walk as faithfully as I can. Stumbling a lot, but accepting grace each second.