31 July 2013
Sometimes you need to turn off the computer and live.
This quote from the refresh book makes perfect sense to me, and I've been making some big attempts to live it out more. I found myself sitting at home more than I should, typing more than I should, and not spending nearly enough time loving the people in my life.
Here's a glimpse into how I've been living life a bit more intentionally:
Armed with my niece, my sister and I hit up America for a day. It was fun to just have fun, have little agenda, and just laugh a lot.
Lately I am turning into a crafty kinda girl. I've never been this girl before, so it's a fun shift in myself. My walls are covered in things I've thought up myself, and I'm being intentional to hand make cards instead of buying them.
Next up, a new hair cut! One week into the new do, I still kinda freak out whenever I look in the mirror. THIS IS SO BLONDE!
I drove from my haircut to meet up with my friend Emily. Em and I grew up together, from early elementary, all through high school, and we've remained close friends even until now. It was a good day.
July was filled with weddings! My friend Megs, who I lived with for a year got married to James, and my friend Rena got married to Lucas. Sweet sweet days.
Other than that, I've spent time eating ice cream (multiple times I should add), going for walks, writing, laughing, making memories, and having good and sweet conversations. I'm grateful for this summer. It's a beautiful one.
P.S. See that beautiful necklace. My sweet friend Amber made it for me. It's got my blog logo on it! Isn't that amazing?!?
Finally, a verse I am currently chewing on, resting in, and just repeating to myself over and over.
Thanks for being a part of my life sweet friends. I'm truly thankful for this space, for the friends that show up each day, and for the memories I'm building here.