I'm over at She Reads Truth today, sharing on the story of the woman with the disabling spirit.
This post, for She Reads Truth, wasn't written by me.
Well. It was written by me, but it felt more inspired than much anything I've ever written.
I can't remember the exact date I got asked to write this post, but it was a little bit last minute back in July. The post was due the next day and they needed somebody to write it.
I was on my lunch break so as I went to grab lunch, I popped open my Bible app, found the reference and read it.
Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.” And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and she glorified God.
Luke 13:10-13
I read it and felt as though I audibly heard the words "I saw her. I see you."
I sat in a coffee shop the next morning to write the post. I studied the scriptures, pouring over for some application, but I could not get further than that simple fact: Jesus saw her.
He saw her in her weak state, her absolutely uncomfortable state. He saw that she was without advocates and He offered her a way out of her distress.
There are so many moments when I feel really unseen. Particularly as I'm hitting the two year mark on singleness, after a very short break from that singleness of a lifetime.
It's hard to feel noticed when I'm not.
It's hard to feel seen when it sure doesn't feel like anybody is seeing me.
That might sound dramatic, but I dare you to find ten single girls who disagrees with me.
Jesus is my advocate.
He sees me, single and all alone.
He sees my hurt heart, my tear stained cheeks, and He listens to my whispered prayers in the middle of the night.
He offers me freedom from those fears of being alone.
Because in Christ I am never alone.
And neither are you my friend.
Neither are you.
Also. I absolutely love that the verse today is one where the psalmist is asking the Lord to turn towards him. That's a beautiful picture. His prayers were answered in the life of Jesus. I started this Psalm series in January and have shared a Psalm twice a week since then. Isn't God amazing that He puts this psalm on this day when I'm sharing about this truth? Yep.