15 August 2013
Through a long and beautiful, fascinating, inspiring, overwhelming, and just plain old amazing series of events, my church has found itself with a new building. I've been attending for about three and a half years, and I've seen the church set up shop in three different buildings. Each week, we carry our stuff in, and carry it out.
Amazingly though, we will now have a home.
It'll take a few weeks for us to get into the building on a Sunday morning, but as a worship team, we're already utilizing the stages and sound equipment.
Tonight was my second time in the building as a worship team member. I was in it last night for a tour, and came back for the Sunday practice tonight.
These are a lot of words to start of a post that really has little to do with church, worship practice, or anything like that.
Practice went well, it ended, and it was almost time to go.
I unplugged my ear buds, put them away, put on my backpack, got ready to head, and then had an idea.
I walked to the center of the stage because I needed to sing.
Not at the top of my lungs, but certainly with some volume, I let out these words.
bless the Lord, oh my soul, oh my soul, worship His holy name.
sing like never before, oh my soul, I'll worship His holy name.
The words echoed out into the room, and this girl felt small.
It was an incredible moment for my heart to simply sing out, in one of the largest rooms I've ever had the chance to sing.
The Lord is big.
I am small.
I am mighty content in my smallness and His greatness.
I am linking up with five minute friday today. It's a sweet link-up where you have a prompt and simply write for five minutes with little to no editing. I love participating when I don't have something already scheduled, or just find myself needing to write.
five minute friday