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A few months ago, I watched a dear blogging friend walk through a tough season. She didn't necessarily tell me that, but when you care for a friend as much as I do for her, you start to notice when they're not quite themselves.
As I got ready to head to worship practice, I sent her a text saying that I would be praying comfort over her as I worshiped the Lord during worship practice.
Practice always begins with a time of prayer. It's a sweet time to just ready our hearts before we bucker down and make our instruments sound beautiful.
We went around the room, and everybody shared request that were deep, heavy, and hard. I realized that we'd be praying comfort over each other as well.
Somebody started praying, and I grabbed my Bible app to find something to share. I typed "comfort" into the search bar, and Psalm 71 showed up.
I read it aloud, the entire thing, and just let it settle.
It really is a beautiful Psalm.
After reading it, I looked up to my music stand, and felt sweet joy fill my heart. One of the songs we were playing was one aptlyt titled, Psalm 71, written by a friend of mine who serves on the worship team as well.
It was one of the most beautiful moments in a week where I felt like everybody was hurting. I felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit weave love into my heart.
I texted my friend later, sharing with her her the sweetness of the Lord.
I normally simply make a graphic for one part of the chapter, as I have done today, but I also encourage anybody reading to read through the entire Psalm. It is rich with good comfort.
My favourite part is this:
Over the past couple years, I've started to have a better grasp on suffering, on how God allows it, and how He is still sovereign, regardless of anything that may happen. It's the type of grasp that I don't quite think I can understand, but yet I also know it completely.
I know that God is good at all times, I know that God is just at all times.
I know that God has made me see troubles and calamities, and I know that He will revive me.
I know that even from the deepest pain, the largest hurt, and the largest burden, He will bring me up again.
I know that no matter what happens, my trust is in Him, because when my trust is in Him, my burdens lessen, my anxieties cease, and my joy floods up.
He will comfort me again.
And, He will do the same for you.