09 May 2014
God meets us in our mess.
One of the things I’m most passionate in my heart, and I hope it comes across in the way I live my life, is that I think it’s unwise when Christians try to act like their life is all put together.
Christ didn’t come for the healthy. He came for the sick. We need Jesus because we’re broken.
God meets us in our mess.
I so wish that I could sit down with women everywhere, Christian women specifically, the ones who have bought into the lie that the Christian life is one of perfection. That cleanliness is actually related to godliness. That a filtered life is enough.
I'm tempted to buy into the lie that I'll find good elsewhere.
Yet I only, and I mean this, I only find goodness when I seek the cross of Christ.
The only place I find goodness.
The only place I find freedom.
The only place I find wroth.
Truly truly, these are only found in Christ..
I’ve been reflecting much much much lately about how doubt is a good thing.
It’s a very good thing, I strongly believe, to sit in the freedom of the cross and talk to Jesus about our doubts. It’s a good thing to say I don’t believe this right now Lord. I know I should, so I need Your help to remember Your truth.
I believe God meets us in our mess. He meets us when we’re honest.