15 May 2014
{a walk through} psalm 106
Akin to last weeks Psalm, Psalm 106 is one that shares a bit of a story. It's a retelling of things that have happened.
One thing I've learned through studying the scripture is that it's important to remember.
To remember the stories of old and see God's faithfulness.
To remember the iniquity of all. Mostly to recognize the iniquity and sin in ourselves. If we don't realize that we are the deprived sinner, we will never ever recognize how very glorious the Gospel is.
We need to remember what God actually has promised. Culture, even church culture, gets confused about what promises God has given us. Spouses, children, and riches aren't promises of God. New life though, through the work of Jesus, that is promised.
There were a few sections that stood out to me specifically.
Verse 13 says "but they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel". It made me want to remember. To study His truth, to know His works and to wait only on Him.
Verse 24 says "then they despised the pleasant land, having no faith in his promise". Reading that verse made my heart want seek more faith, a faith that doesn't despise where He has me.
Verse 45 speaks of God remembering his covenant for "their sake". Sometimes I forget that the cross hurt Him. Obviously I never forget that it was physically painful, but sometimes the loss that Christ suffered for me - I forget that He did it for my sake. It's amazing and genuinely the best thing ever. Thank You Lord.
It is good to remember His words.
What have you studied lately? Anything sticking out as you think back as truth to cling to? It's all truth to cling to, but what is impacting your life?