08 May 2014
{a walk through} psalm 105
I went into this Psalm wanting to hear from God. I've been praying about having an expectant heart, of expecting God to show up.
That's a new prayer for me, but it's also been a good one. The more I pray it, the more I see Him move.
I noticed quickly that there was a beautiful theme in this Psalm: God chooses what happens.
Flip to the Psalm if you can and watch what happens.
He is The Lord.
He remembers.
He confirms.
He allows.
He summons.
He sends.
He makes.
He turns hearts.
He speaks.
He gives.
He strikes.
He delivers.
He shows.
He remembers.
Praise The Lord.
This list isn't even exhaustive. It really only captures a part of the Psalm, and without the statements being ended, it's barely even enough to share. The entirety of the Psalm is incredible to me.
I wrote a few notes as I read. I was reminded that God chooses what happens. This is a good thing since He knows all things. He determines where things go, how things happen, what doesn't happen. He allows sun and rain on the good and evil (Matthew 5:43-45).
I was reminded that the Lord remembers. He remembers His promises, His covenant. He is faithful to complete His work. Praise Him for that.
My heart was full and encouraged as I studied this Psalm.
What about you? Did you take time to read it? If you did (or if you will now,) let me know what stood out. I'd love to hear.