29 March 2013
Drifting is dumb
Kacia mentioned this past week how she was at Blissdom and heard a talk from Jon Acuff. He mentioned shower moments (click Kacia's name to read what those are), and it's an idea I've been thinking of much since I read it.
As I showered this afternoon, I waited for the moment to come. It didn't, but my hair got clean, so I guess you win some you still win some.
Anyway, as I write this, it's Wednesday, nearly midnight and I'm having a shower moment as I listen to music and prepare my mind to shut down for a few hours of rest. I'm well aware that my version of a shower moment is completely not a shower moment. It was simply a moment of clarity.
I've been feeling distant from God lately, but I've never really questioned why.
Probably because I didn't want to admit it, and mostly because I fully know the issue.
If I'm distant from God, it's because I'm not going near Him.
It doesn't get much more complicated. I've let my mind get filled with stuff and spent far less time simply living with Jesus. I'm still reading my Bible, learning and sharing, and praying, but it's different.
I'm not chatting with Jesus. I've written much about prayer, and one thing I really believe is that if I come to Jesus with the little things, He won't seem far away when it comes to the big things.
There are a few big things happening. Things that cause my body to have migraines and aches (how my body deals with stress), and that leave me crying in bed at night.
So my shower moment is simple really, all these words aside.
I'm distant from God because I've let myself drift.
And drifting is dumb.
Christ is my cornerstone. He is my firm foundation. He is my daily bread. He is my living water. He is my salvation, and He is the grace I so desperately need each minute.
Drifting is dumb, and it's done. In the forums on the Influence Network, there are some good words and perspectives on being intentional. That was my plug for the network. I like the place. I think you should join, if you love Jesus and are a female, today is the perfect day to join.
Basically, it's time for this girl to get intentional with my faith again.
How about you? You doing okay? Am I right in the fact that drifting is dumb? yeah I know I am. No but seriously, am I right in saying that it takes an intentional heart to remain close to God? How are you being intentional?
28 March 2013
27 March 2013
26 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 25
( girl behind the blog is at the very bottom. skip down to watch, or take a couple minutes to read my heart )
THIS PSALM! Oh. This one holds so much for me. It was here that I went the week before I met a boy I dated a couple years ago. The same words brought me sweet comfort when the relationship ended. And those same words, well, they're the ones I go do when I'm in my deepest moments of needing Jesus to show up.
Almost any verse in this Psalm is one I could share my heart on. Similar to Psalm 23, this was a hard one to describe, to break down, and to share. Not because I don't like it, but because I need these words so often.
It's not that I'm sad all the time, but I'm rarely out of brokenness, if that makes sense. Because my sin is great. I'm so thankful my God is greater.
I'm so thankful to not be in the head and heart space that I was when that Psalm first was introduced to my heart. I can still go to these words, but the girl that literally sobbed them out on a park bench mere days before being asked out, that same girl who weeks later sobbed them out on her couch, that girl has grown.
Her need for God remains.
In that season, I wrote this piece about God really entering into a moment when I needing rescuing. I'd love if you read it. It's a moment I treasure, a moment when God really impacted me and taught me that He is the deliverer.
Looking at these verses now, it's the very last line that sticks out to me. Maybe it's because at church we're walking through the Easter story focusing on the words Jesus spoke from the cross, and forgiveness is so huge in the story of the cross.
When I call out to God for deliverance, I call out for more than just to be let out of the hard things. I ask Him to forgive me, because I know that nothing good will happen if I hold on to my sinful habits. I need Jesus to enter in, to offer me the same forgiveness that He offered to the thief hanging on the cross next to Him. A thief who, though he knew very little about Jesus, knew enough about Jesus to know that Jesus could forgive him of his wrongdoing. And Jesus, because of His character, His love, His goodness, He said today you will be with me in Paradise.
That same Jesus is the one who saves me from my sin, by offering forgiveness.
P.S. It's Girl Behind the Blog Day!! YAY!
Be sure to watch it (meh, be sure to watch it only if you want to!), pop over to Ashley's blog or Chelsea's Blog and add your own VLOG! It's a great way to meet bloggers.
THIS PSALM! Oh. This one holds so much for me. It was here that I went the week before I met a boy I dated a couple years ago. The same words brought me sweet comfort when the relationship ended. And those same words, well, they're the ones I go do when I'm in my deepest moments of needing Jesus to show up.
Almost any verse in this Psalm is one I could share my heart on. Similar to Psalm 23, this was a hard one to describe, to break down, and to share. Not because I don't like it, but because I need these words so often.
It's not that I'm sad all the time, but I'm rarely out of brokenness, if that makes sense. Because my sin is great. I'm so thankful my God is greater.
I'm so thankful to not be in the head and heart space that I was when that Psalm first was introduced to my heart. I can still go to these words, but the girl that literally sobbed them out on a park bench mere days before being asked out, that same girl who weeks later sobbed them out on her couch, that girl has grown.
Her need for God remains.
In that season, I wrote this piece about God really entering into a moment when I needing rescuing. I'd love if you read it. It's a moment I treasure, a moment when God really impacted me and taught me that He is the deliverer.
Looking at these verses now, it's the very last line that sticks out to me. Maybe it's because at church we're walking through the Easter story focusing on the words Jesus spoke from the cross, and forgiveness is so huge in the story of the cross.
When I call out to God for deliverance, I call out for more than just to be let out of the hard things. I ask Him to forgive me, because I know that nothing good will happen if I hold on to my sinful habits. I need Jesus to enter in, to offer me the same forgiveness that He offered to the thief hanging on the cross next to Him. A thief who, though he knew very little about Jesus, knew enough about Jesus to know that Jesus could forgive him of his wrongdoing. And Jesus, because of His character, His love, His goodness, He said today you will be with me in Paradise.
That same Jesus is the one who saves me from my sin, by offering forgiveness.
P.S. It's Girl Behind the Blog Day!! YAY!
Be sure to watch it (meh, be sure to watch it only if you want to!), pop over to Ashley's blog or Chelsea's Blog and add your own VLOG! It's a great way to meet bloggers.
(the YUMMIEST cookies in the world are found here)
(and if you'd like to read a very funny story about a cooking mishap of mine, well, click here)
(and if you'd like to read a very funny story about a cooking mishap of mine, well, click here)
25 March 2013
The best way to get new (to you) clothes!
Yesterday a few friends came over to swap some clothes. The idea is super simple, but before I'd heard of it a couple years ago, I never would have though to host one myself or even go to one.
We've all got clothes, accessories, and just stuff sitting around that we don't use.
A clothing swap provides a perfect solution.
I bring the stuff that I don't wear as much anymore.
So do you.
And so does another friend and another one and another one.
Somehow, there are mounds of clothes, every time. I've never been to one where there haven't been tons of clothes!
Then you all lay it out, walk around looking at each other's stuff and taking what you like.
Depending on who is hosting, rules vary, but we ran whatever we grabbed by our friends to make sure it actually looked good on us.
I walked away with an awesome leather jacket. I would probably never buy it on my own, but I'll definitely wear it now!
Seriously, look at all that. That's six girl's shirts. That is a lot of shirts.
We kept it simple (as in I wasn't a very good host, but my friends are wonderful) and just had cupcakes and chips, wine and soda.
What about you? Ever been to a clothing swap?
(also, this is how I feel about my Sunday)
22 March 2013
but what does it mean to be humble?
So I've got some thoughts on fear and humility, and how I'm pretty sure I've got them mixed up.
And that to be truly humble, I needed to only think of others positively and to look poorly upon myself.
True humility looks to Christ, I'm realizing.
When I take the time to look through the Gospels at everyday Jesus, I never get the impression that Jesus hated himself, thought poorly of himself, or didn't care for himself.
True humility seeks to serve others out of a love for God.
True humility uses my gifts so that things don't go lacking the skills God has given me.
True humility is recognizing that because I am in Christ, I am a new creation, and therefore can walk forward in confidence.
True humility whispered father forgive them for they know not what they do. Those words didn't serve Jesus. They served everybody else. He died not out of hatred but because of love.
I want to learn to be humble in the way that Jesus was humble. In Philippians 2, it's the line "did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself" that strikes me as true humility.
My sins tell a different story, but my heart understands that equality with God cannot be grasped.
I don't want to be equal with God. I simply want to be allowed near Him. Jesus already gave me that opportunity and so I can walk confidently in that. And because of what Jesus did on the cross, I can empty myself for the sake of the cross, for the sake of the Gospel, for the sake of my sweet Jesus.
I'm still learning, and I still have pretty much no clue at all.
What do you think about my new perspective? Honestly, I'm still working it out. I still have much to learn. What does humility mean to you? How do you live with confidence, acting out the gifts God has given you, while also working to be humble? Tell me friend!
Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”I used to think that thinking poorly of myself was equivalent to humility.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:5-
And that to be truly humble, I needed to only think of others positively and to look poorly upon myself.
True humility looks to Christ, I'm realizing.
When I take the time to look through the Gospels at everyday Jesus, I never get the impression that Jesus hated himself, thought poorly of himself, or didn't care for himself.
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.So why did I have it wrong?
1 Peter 3:8-9
Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.True humility loves the Lord with all my heart.
Colossians 3:12-14
True humility seeks to serve others out of a love for God.
True humility uses my gifts so that things don't go lacking the skills God has given me.
True humility is recognizing that because I am in Christ, I am a new creation, and therefore can walk forward in confidence.
True humility whispered father forgive them for they know not what they do. Those words didn't serve Jesus. They served everybody else. He died not out of hatred but because of love.
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:1-11
I want to learn to be humble in the way that Jesus was humble. In Philippians 2, it's the line "did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself" that strikes me as true humility.
My sins tell a different story, but my heart understands that equality with God cannot be grasped.
I don't want to be equal with God. I simply want to be allowed near Him. Jesus already gave me that opportunity and so I can walk confidently in that. And because of what Jesus did on the cross, I can empty myself for the sake of the cross, for the sake of the Gospel, for the sake of my sweet Jesus.
I'm still learning, and I still have pretty much no clue at all.
What do you think about my new perspective? Honestly, I'm still working it out. I still have much to learn. What does humility mean to you? How do you live with confidence, acting out the gifts God has given you, while also working to be humble? Tell me friend!
21 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 24
Today I'm resting in the truth that the earth is the Lord's.
That truth fills me with comfort and aides me in the moments when I remain unsure about all the things going on in life.
When I hear stories of friends being singled out in school for being a Christian, I cling to the fact that the Lord founded the earth.
When I watch people I care about struggle in physical and sociological pain, I look to the rivers, established by my God.
As I look all around me, the only comfort, amidst the storms I watch many I love walk through, is that God is God and that I am not.
a walk through,
psalm 24
20 March 2013
Taking a wall from ugly to pretty in 7 easy steps
Just kidding. The 7 part is a lie. It just sounds nice and enticing. Right?
Recently a friend and I went to Granville Island (a local tourist hot spot in Vancouver, also the current home of my church) to play tourist.
I got enticed by some pretty paper and took it home. A night of crafting (which is odd for me - I'm not crafsty. My friend mocked me, and my roommate mocked me, because they always have to do the work. I'm an idea person. I know that about myself. I'm actually totally fine with it. In general, I often think up great things but very much struggle with execution - in the craftsy DIY section)!
So. Pretty paper.
Ugly wall. I forgot to take a before picture. I'm also not very sorry for that. It wasn't pretty. ain't nobody got time for that.
Step 1. Find pretty paper. I found mine at a local paper shop called Paper~Ya. Decide to frame pretty paper.
Step 2. Grab all the frames you happen to have lying around, which for me totalled I think 10 (I'm the girl at IKEA buying twenty frames at once, just in case I need them).
Step 3. Kindly ask your friend and roommate (also a friend) to cut out the paper so that it fits each frame. I'm not very good at cutting things because that requires precision, a skill I lack.
Step 4. Put papers in frames.
Step 5. Strategically plan and place photos. you might find yourself changing your mind, switching things, and quite likely laughing at yourself in the process.
Step 6. Kindly ask your roommate to put up pictures. This after attempting yourself and being giggled at. I'd say laughed at but I do have kind friends. They giggled.
Step 7. Spend several weeks moving frames around until finally you like it. And be sure to add a Naptime Diaries print in the very center! Mine is this one. Also be sure to take the finished photo at night so the lighting is bad. for sure do that. How's that for a non-DIY blogger?
I made it into 7 steps. You're welcome.
I'm certainly not a crafty person but I do like when I sucessfully make something (or envision it - the completion typically is done by others).
I love that when I sit on my computer (as I so often do), I can glance towards the wall at my left and see a pretty well.
What about you? Make anything cool lately? Pull up a chair and tell me about it!
Recently a friend and I went to Granville Island (a local tourist hot spot in Vancouver, also the current home of my church) to play tourist.
I got enticed by some pretty paper and took it home. A night of crafting (which is odd for me - I'm not crafsty. My friend mocked me, and my roommate mocked me, because they always have to do the work. I'm an idea person. I know that about myself. I'm actually totally fine with it. In general, I often think up great things but very much struggle with execution - in the craftsy DIY section)!
So. Pretty paper.
Ugly wall. I forgot to take a before picture. I'm also not very sorry for that. It wasn't pretty. ain't nobody got time for that.
Step 1. Find pretty paper. I found mine at a local paper shop called Paper~Ya. Decide to frame pretty paper.
Step 2. Grab all the frames you happen to have lying around, which for me totalled I think 10 (I'm the girl at IKEA buying twenty frames at once, just in case I need them).
Step 3. Kindly ask your friend and roommate (also a friend) to cut out the paper so that it fits each frame. I'm not very good at cutting things because that requires precision, a skill I lack.
Step 4. Put papers in frames.
Step 5. Strategically plan and place photos. you might find yourself changing your mind, switching things, and quite likely laughing at yourself in the process.
Step 6. Kindly ask your roommate to put up pictures. This after attempting yourself and being giggled at. I'd say laughed at but I do have kind friends. They giggled.
Step 7. Spend several weeks moving frames around until finally you like it. And be sure to add a Naptime Diaries print in the very center! Mine is this one. Also be sure to take the finished photo at night so the lighting is bad. for sure do that. How's that for a non-DIY blogger?
I made it into 7 steps. You're welcome.
I'm certainly not a crafty person but I do like when I sucessfully make something (or envision it - the completion typically is done by others).
I love that when I sit on my computer (as I so often do), I can glance towards the wall at my left and see a pretty well.
What about you? Make anything cool lately? Pull up a chair and tell me about it!
19 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 23
Can I admit that I almost wanted to skip this Psalm? well I guess I just did. Not because I don't like it, but I wanted to skip it because it's so known to me.
This Psalm is filled with words that I cling to, words that I speak to others, words that others speak to me.
I struggled to choose which verse to focus on, because the entire Psalm would be too much to graze (did you like the pasture reference? Yeah, me too) in a day. It's just filled with too much goodness to cover everything.
It sat in a tie between verse 3 and verse 4 for a while.
Actually, let me share it in its entirety, and then share what I decided to focus on.
I know this God well. The God who restores. The God who leads. The God who leads me to righteousness.
The God who gets all of the glory.
He is worthy of glory.
Where is God leading you for his name's sake?
Gotta be honest, I'm still deciphering that one. I've got very little clue but I'm trying my bestest to walk in faithfulness because I know He is leading me faithfully.
This Psalm is filled with words that I cling to, words that I speak to others, words that others speak to me.
I struggled to choose which verse to focus on, because the entire Psalm would be too much to graze (did you like the pasture reference? Yeah, me too) in a day. It's just filled with too much goodness to cover everything.
It sat in a tie between verse 3 and verse 4 for a while.
Actually, let me share it in its entirety, and then share what I decided to focus on.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
forever. I know this God well. The God who restores. The God who leads. The God who leads me to righteousness.
The God who gets all of the glory.
He is worthy of glory.
Where is God leading you for his name's sake?
Gotta be honest, I'm still deciphering that one. I've got very little clue but I'm trying my bestest to walk in faithfulness because I know He is leading me faithfully.
18 March 2013
Even if my words defeat the purpose
Almost daily when I log onto twitter, the influence network, facebook, and all the other spaces I visit (there actually aren't very many others) I see pleas for prayer.
I see friends, acquaintances, strangers, and the like all asking for one thing. Intervention.
They want intervention in whatever is going on.
Whether it is an intervention of sickness to health, sorrow to joy, jobless to employed, hurt to fixed, alone to surrounded, whatever it is - we seek intervention when we approach God.
When we approach God, we typically come expecting and longing for intervention.
I try to pray whenever I see it. Sometimes I don't, mostly because I'm too busy (which isn't a good excuse, but it is an excuse), but for the most part, I turn my eyes to heaven and whisper to Jesus help.
I used to respond to each one. I'd tweet a little I'm praying for you and I meant it.
But lately I'm trying to not write my words.
Because as much as it brings me comfort to know that people are praying when I ask for it, I don't want to find my comfort in other peoples words. I want to find my comfort in my Saviour Jesus, the One who intervenes on my behalf.
He is the One who allows me to be viewed as pure.
He is the One who bore all the weight of my sin so that I never ever ever ever have to bear that awful weight.
So I'm trying to stop telling people that I'm praying every time.
I still will often, especially when I know that it'll be significant for somebody to know that they're not alone.
I so well know my tendency to seek accolade, praise, and anything that will fuel my pride. I can't dare let my prayers become an idol for myself. When I catch myself replying to things on twitter simply to look like a better Christian, even if I will follow through and pray or do some sort of good deed, my words can't be written.
I really and truly believe that silent prayers impact in ways that spoken ones can never.
I've been trying to retrain my heart (my fear stricken, people pleasing heart) to look to Jesus first before I look to people. Even though I love words, want words, and feel loved by words, no words matter more than those of Jesus.
I don't even know if this is a theologically sound idea, but it seems like one that my heart needs to reconcile itself with.
My words are important but they're actually not that important. The important part is that Jesus Christ was forsaken from God so that I never ever ever EVER have to be, and because of that, I can approach Him with confidence, for my needs, my joys, and yours too.
Speaking of that, what do you need prayer for? Anything I can bring to Jesus with you?
I had a wise pastor tell me once that me that when people give us their burdens, we need to hand them to Jesus immediately, not ever holding them on ourselves, because we're never called to hold burdens.
What are you holding onto tightly that needs to be let go? What burdens have you taken upon yourself instead of dropping them at the feet of Jesus? You're welcome to use the comment section and you are also welcome to email me at asecondaryheartbeat (at) gmail (dot) com.
15 March 2013
The reason everybody loves Vancouver
This past weekend brought with it a rarity.
a bright sunshiny day.
My sister, my neice, and I went for a nice walk to enjoy the fresh air. I brought along her camera and snapped photos along the way. I could have taken a trillion photos, took about a million, and am sharing a few here today.
I hope you enjoy them. If you'd like to use them, please credit me for photography and link back. K cool.
oh hello beautiful sister of mine.
Inuksuk. this is a very Vancouver thing. This one was pretty cool.
boats. boats. boats.
I'm pretty sure the rain is back forever though. The best thing about Vancouver is the sunshine. The worst thing is any day the sun isn't out.
So, if it was a bright sunshiny day, how would you spend it?
14 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 22
I don't know if this is an everybody thing (in fact, I think this actually is more likely not the case for everyone), but sometimes (emphasis on sometimes, this is not always the case), during the hardest seasons, I find myself closer to God than the easier seasons.
In the seasons when I feel most forsaken and most alone, I often recognize the grandness of my good God.
I feel close to God on a beautiful sunny day, but I also feel close to Him when I'm in the dark places of my thoughts.
The Lord is near to those who call upon His name.
Jesus is never far.
a walk through,
psalm 22
13 March 2013
come on church, let's smile
In my community group, someone recently told me that they were so thankful for my smiles during worship.
He shared that when he had first joined the church, he hadn't known me, but yet he had because I had been a welcoming face to him.
It encouraged me greatly, especially based on where my heart has been in worship lately. I've wondered if, since I don't see this on other worship leaders (I mean commonly amongst worship leaders, not simply my own church), my smiles needed to leave. I know that sounds ridiculous, yet it truly has been a question. I feel so at home when leading worship, and it's one place where I feel more free than anywhere. It's a freedom that I don't experience the same when I'm not leading.
I want to lead people to a place of joy when worshiping.
I want to lead by example.
My soul is absolutely joyous because Jesus conquered sin and death, pain and sorrow.
Jesus has offered me His grace and I have received it.
Are there days when my soul is not in a place of joy? Yes. Of course.
But in those moments I want to grasp fast and long and hard to Jesus.
I am a new creations! When a new life happens, the common reaction is to rejoice.
So church, let's rejoice!
12 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 21
Sometimes I get to very caught up in all the things that I forget to simply worship my King.
How do you show your worship to your King?
What stops you in your tracks?
Lately, it's been song lyrics for me. And random lines in tv shows. I was watching New Girl and got convicted of not caring for the ones I have been given to care for.
I've been reflecting a lot on ceasing my strivings, since they keep getting me absolutely nowhere. The song in Christ alone is one I'm singing in my head throughout my days.
a walk through,
psalm 21
11 March 2013
On Saturday, I went to a local coffee shop, opened my computer, and these words came out of my fingertips. It's different than I normally write, especially here on my blog, but I really wanted to share it.
An interesting whisper in the middle of the night.
It echoes out in a way that I can’t quite explain, because
it should be so much quieter than it is. It should simply speak and then be
quiet. Yet it doesn’t do that.
It speaks and then it echoes, and echoes and echoes and
echoes, and I could keep telling that it echoes, but eventually it does end.
Until it starts again.
And again.
And again.
I wish it wasn’t so. I wish it would simply be done and that
I could just be done with this echo, with this whisper, with its words, but it simply comes back.
Sometimes this whisper manages to avoid me for a day, or a week, or
even months at a time. Though the months on end is a rarity, so rare that I
might just be making that idea up to make my soul feel a little bit better about the consistency of the whisper.
Something in me doesn’t hate the echo.
The whisper does house comfort.
It remains longer than anything else has.
Something in me, a larger part, hates that I don’t hate it.
I should desire it to leave me.
I should simply will it away.
But I don’t.
I wonder if a day will arrive when the whisper won’t come.
It has bruised me with hurt.
It has scarred me with pain.
It has utterly ruined me.
. . .
Suddenly I realize that the whisper is not what it seems.
It does not bring comfort. I always thought that it would,
or that it was, or that it had.
It does not.
The whisper tells me that I am not enough.
That sudden realization stays with me. It sticks with my
heart as I start to speak in a voice loud than the whisper, telling it to be
quiet, and reminding it that it is a lie.
I seek a better whisper to listen to.
A whisper that tells me that the body I have been given is
the correct one. A body, a soul, a mind, all created in the image of an
invisible one. An invisible one that is also fully visible to my soul.
I start to realize this and the initial whisper slowly gets quieter.
As I recognize and realize that the One of whom I speak of,
created me, that He formed me in my mother’s womb, and that He ordained all the
days of my life – I realize yet another thing.
The whisper is not His voice.
I start to be able to distinguish between this whisper and
His voice. His voice is louder. It is kinder. It is stronger. It never bruises
yet it fully stretches. It never scars though it does pull me from a place of
hurt to a place of wholeness. In a way it does scar me, but in the most
beautiful way.
It scars me with love.
The whisper is gone.
The love remains.
08 March 2013
a breakfast date with my sister
On my birthday, my sister Kiks took me out for breakfast at The Templeton downtown, and then shopping! yayayayayayayaya!
She also brought my little bestie, her daughter along too. It was a great day.
She also brought my little bestie, her daughter along too. It was a great day.
07 March 2013
{a walk through} psalm 20
Today, I really wanted to share a graphic that had this entire scripture on it, but as I went to write this, late last night, starting my words just 5 minutes before I had decided HAD to be sleep time, I realized that this verse, Psalm 20:4, it's my prayer right now. It's my prayer for all my sweet friends who linked-up yesterday, for the friends who didn't, for the friends unknown, for the enemies and the hated, for the broken and for the whole.
What's your heart's desire?
What's your plan?
If I'm honest, and what am I but honest around here, my heart's desire is to be married, to be a Mom, to have a home, to have people over for dinner often, and to lie in bed beside my best friend. And sometimes my heart aches that that desire isn't yet. But I trust in the God bigger than my desires and so truly, my desire is for Jesus to be made known in all that I do.
And my plan. I've got no clue. Life switched a bit this week and I've been throw off my game (not that I have much game) so to be honest, I'm just kinda trying to get through this week. And then the next. And then the next. Yet also seeing Jesus work in big and mighty ways, because where I am weak (everywhere) He is strong (therefore everywhere). So my plan is to keep being weak. Because strength gets me um . . . well, it certainly doesn't help me out at all.
Share with me. What's that desire deep in you? What's the plan?
P.S. Today some sweet friends are starting a link-up called little life lessons. So my lesson in all of this, something that I can't say I have already learned, but what I'm learning, is that admitting my brokenness is sometimes the strongest and bravest thing to do. A friend and I were talking after community group last night about out mutual struggles in life right now and I said: we relate more to brokenness than strength. That's my life lessen for ya. You really should stop pretending to be strong. You're the only one you've got fooled. The rest of us are just waiting for you to admit it so we can start sharing life with you.
06 March 2013
A Meetup of Influential Women
First. I am so excited that this is happening today!!!
what? what is happening Nadine? WHAT IS IT?
Well. Let me tell you. It's the best link-up ever! just kidding It's a link-up that I thought up myself and that is happening today through the help of the great, and I'm talking great, ladies who make the Influence Network run.
So anyhooo, back in January I had the idea of a link-up that would connect the various bloggers who make up the Influence Network (and the non-bloggers. I'm not sure how you will link-up, but if you leave a comment either here or on the Influence Blog, I know I'll see it, and so will many others). I contacted Hayley and she was all for it. She brought it to the team and we've been excitedly working to make it happen.
And today is the day!
So here is the deal.
If you're a current member of the Influence Network, you're invited to share with us! If you really want to link-up but aren't a member, well, today is the perfect day to become a member. Do so here!
Once you link your post, visit the blog of the person before you, and leave some kindness in the comments. (and this isn't a rule, but I dare ya to read a bunch of them, and to share comment love!)
Your post should include:
1. I absolutely love home decor. I could spend days walking through Anthropologie, Ming Wo (a local kitchen store), or a local thrift store, searching for things to add to my home (aka I'd wander through the first two stores but find what I can afford at the thrift shop). I haven't had a chance to do it yet, but I plan to do a little home series at some point to share the physical space that I live in. I love it!
2. I think that I'm less extroverted than I used to be. When I've talked to people about it, they say that is just called growing up, but I'm not sure. I used to be the girl who would host parties on a monthly basis whereas now, up until this past weekend when I hosted my birthday party, I hadn't had a big group of people over in months and months. I have one on ones all the time, and like to invite smaller groups over for dinner and games nights, but it had been ages. I'm not sure if I like this change or not. I'm still deciding.
3. this one is hopefully more obvious to a consistent blog reader. I really love Jesus. I'm learning to love who He created me to be and how He created me, and I'm learning to walk in His identity for me. I love that He accept me now fully and completely, and that He calls me to keep seeking Him so that I can become more and more in His image. That's incredible to me. I love that He has allowed me to have this space where I get to share my heart, my struggles, my joys, my moments. I truly value this place and I really believe that He is working through it, which is very cool. I prayed a lot throughout last year working to deal with pride, and while I still have my prideful moments, I really feel freed from that to simply share truth here. It's a beautiful space for my heart to be, not seeking numbers, but praying for hearts. It's actually far less stressful as well.
I don't want this to come across as prideful, but I've really started to see value in my own voice. I thought that I would read through the forums and learn a lot, and I do, believe me I do, but more so than learning, I've been realizing that God has given me words to share. Sometimes it's scary and sometimes I'm not sure if I have it in me, but I've really felt led to share much of what I've written throughout the forums. I'm learning that my age doesn't hinder me on the forums. We're united by the Gospel of Jesus, so we all house voices that have purpose. One other practical thing I've learned. I never knew that Blogger stats were completely incorrect. I don't let stats rule my life, but I like to look at them because it excites me to Jesus working through my little voice. I've just this past weekend installed Google Analytics and I'm excited for that challenge and I'm definitely going to be looking to the forums to learn more.
Well there you have it! That's just a little bit about me! I hope you'll join in. I can't wait to read your words.
If you're on the fence, hop off the fence and into the party!
what? what is happening Nadine? WHAT IS IT?
Well. Let me tell you. It's the best link-up ever! just kidding It's a link-up that I thought up myself and that is happening today through the help of the great, and I'm talking great, ladies who make the Influence Network run.
So anyhooo, back in January I had the idea of a link-up that would connect the various bloggers who make up the Influence Network (and the non-bloggers. I'm not sure how you will link-up, but if you leave a comment either here or on the Influence Blog, I know I'll see it, and so will many others). I contacted Hayley and she was all for it. She brought it to the team and we've been excitedly working to make it happen.
And today is the day!
So here is the deal.
If you're a current member of the Influence Network, you're invited to share with us! If you really want to link-up but aren't a member, well, today is the perfect day to become a member. Do so here!
Once you link your post, visit the blog of the person before you, and leave some kindness in the comments. (and this isn't a rule, but I dare ya to read a bunch of them, and to share comment love!)
Your post should include:
- 3 things about yourself
- 1 thing you have learned using the Network
- 1 photo of yourself that you absolutely love
3 things about myself:
I decided to share things that might not come across on my blog.
1. I absolutely love home decor. I could spend days walking through Anthropologie, Ming Wo (a local kitchen store), or a local thrift store, searching for things to add to my home (aka I'd wander through the first two stores but find what I can afford at the thrift shop). I haven't had a chance to do it yet, but I plan to do a little home series at some point to share the physical space that I live in. I love it!
2. I think that I'm less extroverted than I used to be. When I've talked to people about it, they say that is just called growing up, but I'm not sure. I used to be the girl who would host parties on a monthly basis whereas now, up until this past weekend when I hosted my birthday party, I hadn't had a big group of people over in months and months. I have one on ones all the time, and like to invite smaller groups over for dinner and games nights, but it had been ages. I'm not sure if I like this change or not. I'm still deciding.
3. this one is hopefully more obvious to a consistent blog reader. I really love Jesus. I'm learning to love who He created me to be and how He created me, and I'm learning to walk in His identity for me. I love that He accept me now fully and completely, and that He calls me to keep seeking Him so that I can become more and more in His image. That's incredible to me. I love that He has allowed me to have this space where I get to share my heart, my struggles, my joys, my moments. I truly value this place and I really believe that He is working through it, which is very cool. I prayed a lot throughout last year working to deal with pride, and while I still have my prideful moments, I really feel freed from that to simply share truth here. It's a beautiful space for my heart to be, not seeking numbers, but praying for hearts. It's actually far less stressful as well.
What have I learned through the Influence Network?
I don't want this to come across as prideful, but I've really started to see value in my own voice. I thought that I would read through the forums and learn a lot, and I do, believe me I do, but more so than learning, I've been realizing that God has given me words to share. Sometimes it's scary and sometimes I'm not sure if I have it in me, but I've really felt led to share much of what I've written throughout the forums. I'm learning that my age doesn't hinder me on the forums. We're united by the Gospel of Jesus, so we all house voices that have purpose. One other practical thing I've learned. I never knew that Blogger stats were completely incorrect. I don't let stats rule my life, but I like to look at them because it excites me to Jesus working through my little voice. I've just this past weekend installed Google Analytics and I'm excited for that challenge and I'm definitely going to be looking to the forums to learn more.
One photo you love of yourself.
I just really like that my arms look skinny. It's an illusion I promise, but it's an illusion I'm alright with! And I like that the red ribbon-esk part of the dress isn't done up correctly. It bothered me for a long time, but somehow I find comfort in that - that a photo doesn't have to be perfect to be perfect.
If you're on the fence, hop off the fence and into the party!
05 March 2013
04 March 2013
a birthday party filled with cupcakes, friends, and love
On Saturday night, my heart was full because my home was full.
Full of friends.
Full of cupcakes.
Full of belly laughter.
Full of good conversations.
Full of photo ops.
Full of pretty people.
Full of good food.
Full of broken chairs.
Full of 4 people who turned older this past week and a whole bunch of their friends.
Full of love.
It was a perfect night.
One of the things I love about my apartment is that for some reason, people always seem welcome here. Much of it is intentional (because I want people to feel welcome of course!), but some of it is just natural. It's a beautiful space that I'm truly grateful for.
I was reflecting early on Saturday as I cleaned my house (I probably shouldn't admit this on the internet but I cleaned my house from 8am-5pm with only minimal santity breaks. Maybe I should admit it. It was so good. I hate cleaning but there was something really nice about knowing that my bathroom floor had been scrubbed), I thought about how my walls are lined with scripture prints. I think that there are 11 Naptime Diaries prints plus 2 others ones I have created myself, and I was thinking:
will people think that I'm going overkill with all these prints?
And I let that thought sit for about half a second and then I dumped it. I have been super intentional to line my walls with scripture (aka truth) because I constantly forget truth.
So my walls are covered with scripture. And I love it.
How was your weekend? What did you do? How come you didn't come to my party? I would have loved if you were there. I absolutely love having my home jam packed with people who are fun. Especially when they're friends who are so considerate that they help clean before they leave and they offer to take the trash out. BEST.
01 March 2013
Today I am 24.
I wrote this post in 2012. I was 23 and a half.
I hit the schedule button for today.
Anyways. Well, this is crazy because I've never been this old before.
23 seemed scary when I first met her.
24 seems a little more secure.
We'll see. Well, I guess at this point I already know.
24. Bam.
I've been looking forward to being able to sing this song authentically (as a 24 year old) for ages. Today I can.
I wrote this post in 2012. I was 23 and a half.
I hit the schedule button for today.
Anyways. Well, this is crazy because I've never been this old before.
23 seemed scary when I first met her.
24 seems a little more secure.
We'll see. Well, I guess at this point I already know.
24. Bam.
I've been looking forward to being able to sing this song authentically (as a 24 year old) for ages. Today I can.
birthday post
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