I'm linking up with the oh-so-lovely Ashley of Pencilled Daydream today. Go read some stories people!
Once upon a time, months and months ago, a letter-key fell off of my MacBook. *tear*
I hopped on over to my nearest Apple store and
was pleasantly surprised when the response was "yes we'll fix it and how
about you leave it here and we'll fix it up and remove all these
scratches". YES please and thank-you.
The guy helping me pleasantly suggested I buy a external hard drive. He
asked me if I'd rather spend a small amount now or a big amount someday
when my computer would eventually crash.
The thought made sense.
I backed up my computer that day.
Then again a few months later.
And then all of a sudden last week I decided that I should back it up again.
So I did.
AND THAT night my computer crashed.
I took it into an Apple store and the guy was sure it'd be a quick and easy fix at a lovely and low fee.
I agreed but started preparing myself for the option that my sweet
Gordan (the name of that 'ol laptop) might not be coming home the same way I'd known him before.
So when I got a phone call from Apple telling me that it would cost a more than I had hoped to pay for a quick-fix, I had to bite the
bullet and ask my (best-ever-most-incredible) parents for a loan in
order to buy a new computer.
They are gracious and kind people. I'm very thankful for them.
And yesterday it arrived!
Shiny and pretty and lovely and WOW!
And I turned it on, plugged in my external hard drive and just over an
hour later had a fully functioning MacBook Air - complete with
everything I needed from my old laptop.
And the moral of the story is:
Go buy an external hard drive right now and then use it right away!
Because that is the only way your heart won't break when your computer dies.
The End
some more thoughts:
A week without a computer was hard.
I stayed in Abby an extra night
and day to make a scheduled video chat (and to spend more time with the fam).
I meandered over to visit my sister, her sweet baby, and her laptop.
I also got convicted like ten trizillion times . . . And yep, I think my
computer is an idol in my life. Jesus and I are having some chats about
It was a week when I was thankful that blogger allows me to schedule
posts (aka Thursday/Friday/Tuesday/Wednesday) And frustrated that I messed up a
scheduled post to go out at 2pm instead of 2am.
It made me read more, scratch that, accomplish more
Kakuru (my favourite
go-to - I'm serious. I LOVE it), go for a photo-taking walk (photos to come), and be intentional
and send out some mail.
Speaking of mail, I'm thinking about a very fun link-up that includes mail. Stick around these here parts to hear more!