26 November 2012
Effective Ministry
My chats with my friend Kymberly always happen randomly and they're always refreshing.
On Friday night I messaged her saying are you online? Wanna hang-out?
Did you know how we met? VIA TECHNOLOGY!! Woot Woot!
I love technology! Some of my very favourite bloggers and I have become friends simply due to technology. Sweeeeeet!
Once upon a time, months and months ago, I was following Darling Magazine and tweeted one of their articles. A twitter peep I'd never heard of before (the be.loved blog) followed me. I meandered over to their twitter page and saw that this was a new blog for young women. I saw that they were looking for new writers and decided to apply!
Cue now!
Kymberly is the founder of be.loved. She loves God SOOOOO much! I'm talking so much. I've written for be.loved in the past and Kymberly and I are talking about future collaborations again.
Ohhhhhhh, you wanna read the posts I wrote before? Ohhhh okay! I wrote a break-up series. (Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) and a post on prayer (here) and I spoke a few words about high school (here).
Anyways, as we were chatting that night via our sweet video friendship (though we have met in real life twice! She came up to Vancouver once for an after noon and I went down to her home for a sleepover once - tres fun peeps), we started talking about our desperate need for Jesus time and how it totally impacts our life.
If we're not looking to Jesus, we're not looking correctly.
Therefore: effective ministry puts Jesus first!
If we're wanting our ministries to grow but we're not handing our ministries to Him, they're probably going to flop.
And honestly, if my ministry isn't for Jesus and about Him, I hope it flops. I don't want anything to be effective if it's missing the Gospel.
I said something like:
God works best when I follow Him.
Much better then when I attempt to lead Him.
Effective ministry looks to Jesus and then looks out.
How do you keep Jesus first?