It's that time of the month.
No! NOT THE TIME! Gross. That is not what this blog is about.
It's the time to share a video and link it up with other bloggers. Because just like last month, you didn't ask for it, but I still provided it.
I filmed it last night after spending the majority of the day lying in bed trying to fight this cold/flu/thing I can't seem to kick. I am so ready to feel healthy!
So. Here it is.
Have a lovely day!
You're welcome that I'm an awkward soul.
I think I spoke far too fast and far too quiet, which was NOT the goal. Next month I'll be better guys!
Also. That was probably take 7 or 8. Last month I used my first take because it was just fun to do so. This month, I think it was maybe because I was feeling sick, but I just kept blubbing over my words and saying dumb things. I'm sure I said dumb things in this version (or sang them . . . that was weird right?) but maybe it had less odd moments than the other takes.
ALSO. You're lovely. Thanks for stopping by.