15 January 2013
{a walk through} psalm 5
Starting January 2013, I decided to take a little step into a semi big blog commitment. I'm going to walk through the Psalms on my blog. Until the book is done, I'll post a verse or two in a photo every single Tuesday and Thursday. The heart of this series is for me to be looking into the word and being intentional to post HIS words here. Sometimes it'll just be the one photo as a blog post, sometimes I'll share what the words in the verse meant to me as I read it, and sometimes I'll have a post going on that day that speaks of other things. Thanks for joining me in this Psalm walk through.
Last week I was jobless.
And I started confidently saying that next week I hope to have a job.
And I prayed for daily bread like Jesus has taught me to, but I also boldly asked God to provide something soon.
And yesterday, I started a new job!
My refuge is in the Lord.
I rejoice in HIM!
I can sing for joy, not only because He has provided, but because I trust in His promises!
I cover myself with His protection because I can not take comfort in anything else.
I love His name.
I love it so very much.
In fact, I was reflecting on the fact that the name of Jesus is so comforting to me. It's so comforting to say it aloud. Like, if Jesus' name was say, Jake, it wouldn't be quite so comforting. There's something even in the name of Jesus spoken aloud that brings joy to my soul.
One definition of exalt is "to praise". I praise the Lord for who He is, for what He has done and is doing, and I praise Him because He is God.
Wow Wow Wow!
Can we take a second to just praise JESUS?
What scripture is speaking to your heart today? What are you reflecting on?
a walk through,
Psalm 5