08 January 2013
{a walk through} psalm 3
Starting January 2013, I decided to take a little step into a semi big blog commitment. I'm going to walk through the Psalms on my blog. Until the book is done, I'll post a verse or two in a photo every single Tuesday and Thursday. The heart of this series is for me to be looking into the word and being intentional to post HIS words here. Sometimes it'll just be the one photo as a blog post, sometimes I'll share what the words in the verse meant to me as I read it, and sometimes I'll have a post going on that day that speaks of other things. Thanks for joining me in this Psalm walk through.
The other night, I lay in bed, waiting for sleep to arrive.
Suddenly I had this deep urge to pray.
So I did.
I climbed onto my knees, still comfortably on my bed (I'm all about knee prayers but even for me a midnight cold hardwood floor prayer was not happening in that moment - man, why do I write this stuff), and hung out with my Saviour.
I talked more with Him about the post that went up yesterday. Did you read it? I kind of think that it is really pretty so go read it ---> here. <-- a="a" also="also" and="and" br="br" comments.="comments." few="few" got="got" it="it" kind="kind" re="re" read.="read." there="there" they="they" thoughtful="thoughtful" very="very" worth="worth">-->
I've been thinking a lot about how my only marriage might be the one that all Christians will be in with Jesus on the other side of eternity. And how I might not get one this side. And I've got an odd peace about it.
I know myself well enough that this peace will probably be gone halfway through today, but I'm resting in this beauty that a wedding feast is for sure for sure FOR SURE coming. And it might not just have my name and some dude from some city on earth on the invitation. There's this feast coming, this beautiful wedding feast of Jesus and His Bride, the Church. I'm so excited for that.
Last week, Mackenzie posted this video and it has got me thinking a lot about that. The mom in the video talked about praying for the purity of her daughter's future husband and how she hadn't realized at the time that she had been praying for Jesus. WOW. That blew my mind last week and so encouraged my soul.
So, all this to say, God is good. He is a provider. I'm calling aloud to Him often right now, and I'm soooooo very excited about the fact that when I wake tomorrow, the Lord will sustain me. Bam Bam. He is my glory, my shield, and He is the lifter of my head. BAM BAM BAM BAM!
speaking of "bam", have I mentioned here lately that the most comment word for me to write in my Bible as I'm reading is "wow" because I just get blown away allllllll the time.
Rest in that truth. He is a good God. For those who believe the Gospel, the fact that Jesus died for sinners and rose again to give life - He is a good God.
. . .
P.S. Yesterday, I received a sweet package in the mail from Jac that was filled with many things plus this note filled with confidence and comfort. She was one of a few people who knew how hard it was for me to post my pretty devotions piece last week. I really was terrified to post it because I knew it was bold and I knew it was a post that would convict & edify. And edification is scary. People love encouragement and pretty pictures of DIY's. They don't love being told that their devotional life might be sinful. Edification is scary but faithfulness to truth that is from God is more important to me than silence and nice comfortable friends.
Yesterday, the note came at such a perfect moment. I had just come home from an evening with the leaders at church and was fired up about what God is doing and is going to do in Vancouver. This note just encouraged me to keep going!
What are you excited about? What is God stirring in your heart to share? Are you walking through Scripture right now in any way? I'd love to hear from you.
a walk through,
Psalm 3