HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Or New Years, or New Year's --> all depending on how you prefer your reading)
Welcome to {a walk through the book of Psalms}.
Near the beginning of December, I started praying about starting something intentional for the new year. I wasn't quite sure what it would be until I thought about walking through different books of the Bible and sharing the words here.
As I started looking at the book, I thought about how I would make a series that was sharing the Bible readable and shareable and I realized that it would be cool to just share a portion of each chapter and to put the verses on photos.
I've really been enjoying becoming dear friends with pixlr and this way it'll challenge me to get better at design while challenging me to get into the Word consistently each week.
I'm not sure how this will look long-term. It kinda freaks me out to say that I'm committing to the entire book and yet it's good for me to do that as well.
So. Welcome to this new series.
Over the next year (and a bit) I'll be sharing two chapters per week, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Some days will just have the photo whereas others will have what the verse made me think about, or pointed me to, and then other weeks might also contain a blog post that has nothing to do with the series. I don't want to promise much because I'll certainly fail at anything spectacular, but I want to commit to keep sharing scripture here.
So here goes. Here's the first one!
As I've mentioned a few times lately, I'm in a season of waiting for God to provide. I've applied for close to a hundred jobs, interviewed for over ten jobs, and I'm praying daily to HIS provision.
Lately I certainly feel like I'm withering.
But just like I sang these words right after I wrote them
would I weather a different storm
or would I wither from the scorn
(my youtube account has been acting funny. If for some reason this video is showing a different one that the song "Wither", please utilize this link)
I don't want to wither.
I want to stand firm wherever HE places me.
I don't know the future.
But I know where my roots lie - deep in Jesus.