Starting January 2013, I decided to take a little step into a semi big blog commitment. I'm going to walk through the Psalms on my blog. Until the book is done, I'll post a verse or two in a photo every single Tuesday and Thursday. The heart of this series is for me to be looking into the word and being intentional to post HIS words here. Sometimes it'll just be the one photo as a blog post, sometimes I'll share what the words in the verse meant to me as I read it, and sometimes I'll have a post going on that day that speaks of other things. Thanks for joining me in this Psalm walk through.
God is mindful.
Of me.
Of you.
Of everyone.
That is enough to stop me in my tracks and bring up my humble card.
Only 8 posts into this million year series, I already sense a theme of God to my heart. Slow. Rest. Love.
Writing this, I just want to rest and wait for a second, and let my heart be loved by my precious Saviour Jesus Christ.
So I will. Won't you too?