30 August 2013


I'm linking up with five minute friday today.

I stood alongside my church last night at a worship night in our new building. Through the generosity of many, we're moving into a large and huge building downtown. I've written about feeling small on its stage, on marveling at WHO God is.

Last night was a worship night.

I stood amidst friends, amidst believers in Jesus, and we sang and we sang and we sang.

I did my normal singing, harmonizing, raising my hands, raising my face to look at the ceiling - I always sense the Holy Spirit in the rafters. It's a sweet gift for my soul.

I did all my normal worship routines, things that mean so much to me, and I felt so little.

I stood singing truths, but in my mind I had to force myself to continue.

In scripture it shares to take every thought captive.

I had to do that last night as I sang truth. 

For the entirety of the service, I was combating the lies in my head.

Because the truth is the Christ died so that sinners may have abundant life.

It's a hard truth to remember when big huge securities in your life fall to the side.

And big huge securities in my life fell to the side this past week.

It's been a week of utmost worship to my King Jesus.

Of hard questions, of deep thoughts, of dance parties by myself simply to lighten the mood of my emotions.

It's been a week of worship.

So last night, as I stood in the crowd singing, I kept praying that God would break my hard heartedness.

That He would ruin my stiffness and give me Himself.

And then Oceans came on, and I could barely sing along because I've been singing that song for weeks, and I'm facing the repercussions of it now.

I prayed to have trust without borders and God has broken every border I know to exist.
I prayed for feet that go far, and I've never felt so pushed in my life.

I've felt deep grace in deep waters, abounding grace.

As those words came, I dropped to my knees and finally felt my heart melt.
But not in praise, in desperation.

As I heard my church sing the words, I prayed viciously,
no further.
please no further.
please no further.

I'm not sure what God has for me next, but though my heart is hurt and my life is a little crazy, I do know that He has a good plan.

29 August 2013

{a walk through} psalm 70

Rejoice in the Lord

Yesterday's post was one I did super quickly late on Tuesday night, so I didn't have time to share that yesterday I was guest posting over at pint sized mama sharing about my refresh series.

I would be so honoured if you'd pop over there and read what I shared. It was really fun for me to do a little check in on myself and see how I'm doing, and really define the why of refresh.

Here's a quick sneak peek:

Picture this: You pull up in the car to an old house you've driven by many a time. You're pretty sure you've been inside, but it has been a long time so you're not really sure if you remember what all the rooms look like. You stop the car, climb on out, walk up to the house, and let yourself in.

As you walk through the rooms, you can't help but notice a few things. You notice a certain musty smell, one caused by windows that have been shut for a few years too long. You notice that the colours on the walls seem faded, which is odd because all the windows are boarded up and no light has been in for a while. You can't help but feel a creak, a constant groan as you walk around on the hardwood floor.

Check out pint sized mama to read the rest! Mackenzie has become one of my dearest friends over the past couple months. I know she would agree when I say that God knew we would both need each other in the transitions we're both walking through. Even if you skip my post, be sure to read her blog. She's amazing.

28 August 2013

Around the World!

I'm so excited that it's Girl Behind the Blog day today! Today the prompt is Around the World and I've got a little video for ya. Enjoy.

If you've never participated in GBTB, today is a great day to join. Any blogger is welcome.


27 August 2013

{a walk through} psalm 69

How do you seek God's presence when you feel ungrateful?

I'm over at She Reads Truth today, sharing on the story of the woman with the disabling spirit.

This post, for She Reads Truth, wasn't written by me.

Well. It was written by me, but it felt more inspired than much anything I've ever written.

I can't remember the exact date I got asked to write this post, but it was a little bit last minute back in July. The post was due the next day and they needed somebody to write it.

I was on my lunch break so as I went to grab lunch, I popped open my Bible app, found the reference and read it.

Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.” And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and she glorified God.
   Luke 13:10-13

I read it and felt as though I audibly heard the words "I saw her. I see you."

I sat in a coffee shop the next morning to write the post. I studied the scriptures, pouring over for some application, but I could not get further than that simple fact: Jesus saw her.

He saw her in her weak state, her absolutely uncomfortable state. He saw that she was without advocates and He offered her a way out of her distress.

There are so many moments when I feel really unseen. Particularly as I'm hitting the two year mark on singleness, after a very short break from that singleness of a lifetime.

It's hard to feel noticed when I'm not.
It's hard to feel seen when it sure doesn't feel like anybody is seeing me.
That might sound dramatic, but I dare you to find ten single girls who disagrees with me.

Jesus is my advocate.
He sees me, single and all alone.
He sees my hurt heart, my tear stained cheeks, and He listens to my whispered prayers in the middle of the night.

He offers me freedom from those fears of being alone.
Because in Christ I am never alone.

And neither are you my friend.
Neither are you.

Also. I absolutely love that the verse today is one where the psalmist is asking the Lord to turn towards him. That's a beautiful picture. His prayers were answered in the life of Jesus. I started this Psalm series in January and have shared a Psalm twice a week since then. Isn't God amazing that He puts this psalm on this day when I'm sharing about this truth? Yep.

26 August 2013

I wandered off from the group and started to sing

Like Incense/Sometimes By Step by Hillsong Live on Grooveshark

Yesterday I was at the beach with friends for a church picnic. I wandered off for a bit and simply started to sing out these words.

I've been singing these words for weeks. I love them so much.

What's your song right now? Or what's something that is holding you together? For me, music that is filled with truth totally holds me together.

I'm honoured to be a guest writer over at She Reads Truth today. I'm sharing a little bit on a beautiful woman of the Bible named Dorcas. Her story is truly inspiring.

25 August 2013

Target Gift Card GIVEAWAY!

I'm doing something a little bit different today! I'm joining in on a giveaway that I'm pretty excited about, mostly because I just wish I could win it. But since I can't, please enter as many times as you can!


Welcome to the A Night Owl August Sponsor Giveaway!

Today the sponsors and friends of A Night Owl are joining up to bring you an amazing $100 Target Gift Card Giveaway! 

Um. What are you waiting for??!?! A hundred bucks! Get your entries in ASAP! 

Open in the USA and Canada. Ends at 11:59pm EST on Sunday, September 1st, 2013.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents ages 18 and over and ends at 11:59pm EST on September 1, 2013. By entering you give the right to use your name and likeness. Number of entries received determines the odds of winning. Approximate retail value is $100.00. One winner will be selected. This is a giveaway sponsored as a group buy, which means the bloggers pooled their money together to purchase this product for you. All liabilities and responsibilities with product is directly responsible by Target. Winner will drawn by random.org from all verified entries, contacted by email provided, and announced on this page at the end of the contest. Winner has 48 hours to respond or prize will be redrawn. Entrant is responsible for the email address they provide, whether through typing it directly or through the Facebook entry method. A Night Owl is not responsible for lost or misdirected emails. All prizes will be awarded. No prize substitutions allowed. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook and we hereby release Facebook of any liability. Information is provided to A Night Owl, not to Facebook and your information is never sold or shared. Facebook and Target are not a sponsor of this giveaway. Prize is mailed or emailed directly by Kimberly Sneed of A Night Owl and requires confirmation of delivery. Protected tweets do not count as an entry method for tweeting. Tweets must come from a public account. Bloggers in this group giveaway and their immediate family members in their household cannot enter or win the giveaway. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law.

23 August 2013

treasured moments: hands

Something that I want to do is to write down treasured moments. Here is one from a couple years ago.

I remember that second like it was yesterday.

We'd just arrived where we were now planning to spend the afternoon. He was quick to meet me at the back of the car as I hopped out.

We started walking, as if we knew what we were doing.

And suddenly he grabbed my hand.

"I think we should hold hands. Is that okay?"

I don't think I answered in words, but just held on tightly.

We walked through the stores, not really looking at much, simply chatting. The relationship was still in baby form, so we barely knew anything.

An hour or so passes, and somehow we both, almost in the same sentence, made mention that our hands felt sweaty.

We pondered how couples held hands so much, I switched sides, and our opposite hands grasped.

Over the next while, we'd "test out" other ways to hold hands. My hand in front, his linked with the fingers this way than that. It became a joke how we held hands, how we had the right way, and how we'd switch sides when things got sweaty.

It was young love, not even love at all, but it was fun while it lasted.

21 August 2013

What does your morning look like?

Developing a morning routine

The morning. Oh the morning. Oh that time, that shows up every single day, sometimes earlier, sometimes later, but always, oh it always shows up.

I’ve never been much of a morning person, but I also am not not a morning person. I tend to think of myself as just a person. 

I’m myself, hopefully the same, no matter what time you see me. I need a minute or two in the morning to just wake up, but as soon as I’m up, I’m fine.

I haven’t always been a lover of disciplined reading. I’ve always loved the scriptures, but have rarely been consistent in my reading. It’s been the past year that I’ve buckled down to read it every day. It’s a rare day where I’m not in the word in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. I've recently started a year long Bible reading plan, which is my go to plan whenever I have time to fill.

I'm sharing my morning routine over on Becoming Bryn today. Leia is sharing, every Wednesday, a morning routine of a blogger she is inspired by. It's a pretty fun series to be a part of. Last week she shared her routine. It was inspiring to me.

I don't think that my routine is particularly inspiring itself, but it is the one that I have.

I've been working to refresh my mornings. I'm getting there. I'm not where I want to be (which is up earlier with some more Bible STUDY in the morning instead of a simple Bible READ), but I'm also okay with the fact that some changes take time. And some seasons can only handle a certain amount of change.

What does your morning look like?

20 August 2013

19 August 2013

I am like dust

For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:14

I keep reflecting on this verse, how God treats us with great care because He knows how very weak we are. 

The verse prior speaks of a father caring for his children. 

And it makes me think of the sweet girl I babysat Saturday night, how I rubbed her back and held her close as she cried after waking up in the night. 

How often does God do the same to me? 

More so, is there ever a moment when He is not holding me near, and helping me when I am not able?

Oh how my heart yearns for the day when I will see my good Father face to face. 

My church is going through a summer series walking through various psalms. I've mentioned it before, but seriously - it is one of the best sermon series I have heard. We've been walking through Romans previous to this, and while Romans is beautiful and necessary to study, it is also heavy stuff. 

It is amazing to sense freedom each week as we read these Psalms. It makes my Psalm series more exciting to me.

I shared on Instagram that I was so moved by the sermon. 

Here are a few things that stood out for me:

Worship is self counsel. Because that is the case, we have to worship rightly, so we have to sing songs if worship that align with God's character so that we counsel ourselves correctly.

When we don't remind ourselves of all that God has done, we will fail. Always. We need to remember that he forgives, heals, is merciful and has steadfast love. We cannot forget these things. 

They are necessary truths that we need to be reminded of.

We are dust, so frail and small. I am dust. I am frail. I am small. God is steady, constant, forever, strong, huge, good, big, wonderful, I could keep going.

I shared Friday about feeling small and this sermon reminded me why I am small. It's because God is god and I am not. That may sounds odd hut seriously He is God and that is such a good thing. 

The main reason that we worship God is because He is God and we are not. He is distinctively holy.

I am weak and He is strong. He loves me because of my weakness. 

This Psalm, like every other piece of scripture, speaks of Jesus. 

Every word in it points to Christ. He fulfills it. 

God's anger is not upon us because Jesus bore the anger of god. God offers us a future that is only possibly because of the work of Jesus on the cross. Wow. Amen. 

Much of what I have shared today was largely inspired by the sermon at my church, which was given by Norm Funk.

15 August 2013


Through a long and beautiful, fascinating, inspiring, overwhelming, and just plain old amazing series of events, my church has found itself with a new building. I've been attending for about three and a half years, and I've seen the church set up shop in three different buildings. Each week, we carry our stuff in, and carry it out.

Amazingly though, we will now have a home.

It'll take a few weeks for us to get into the building on a Sunday morning, but as a worship team, we're already utilizing the stages and sound equipment.

Tonight was my second time in the building as a worship team member. I was in it last night for a tour, and came back for the Sunday practice tonight.

These are a lot of words to start of a post that really has little to do with church, worship practice, or anything like that.

Practice went well, it ended, and it was almost time to go.

I unplugged my ear buds, put them away, put on my backpack, got ready to head, and then had an idea.

I walked to the center of the stage because I needed to sing.

Not at the top of my lungs, but certainly with some volume, I let out these words.

bless the Lord, oh my soul, oh my soul, worship His holy name.
sing like never before, oh my soul, I'll worship His holy name.

The words echoed out into the room, and this girl felt small.

It was an incredible moment for my heart to simply sing out, in one of the largest rooms I've ever had the chance to sing.

The Lord is big.
I am small.
I am mighty content in my smallness and His greatness.

I am linking up with five minute friday today. It's a sweet link-up where you have a prompt and simply write for five minutes with little to no editing. I love participating when I don't have something already scheduled, or just find myself needing to write.

{a walk through} psalm 66

Rejoice in the Lord

As I read this Psalm, specifically last night as I got this post ready, I thought about the times that God has done similar to me.

I've never had waters stopped, but I have seen the Lord do strong and mighty things that have given Him so much glory. Things that have causes my heart to rejoice, and my soul to be safe.

For worship team this Sunday, we're singing 10000 reasons. I've actually only recently heard the song, and it's the first time our church will sing it on a Sunday. I'm so excited.

I know that this is one of those songs that will carry different meanings whenever I listen to it. Currently, the line that is swirling in my mind is this:

let me singing when the evening comes.

It's such a good line for me to reflect on.

Regardless of what happens in my life, in each day, I want to be rejoicing in the evening.

14 August 2013

5 tips to refreshing the way you shop

I've been working to refresh a lot of areas in my life. I've shared ways to live a fuller life, have a second day, be more balanced, and how to refresh the everyday. I've shared new beauty routines, hello awkward selfies, and simple tips to a joy filled life.

This series, on refreshing life, (inspired by THIS ebook) really isn't about sharing how well I'm doing. If anything, it should point out how many areas in my life need a little bit of help.

Today is all about shopping. Here are 5 tips to refresh the way you shop for clothes.

1. Learn your style & compliment your shape.

It's been over the past couple years that I've started to really recognize the importance of dressing in clothes that work great for the shape I am instead of the shape I want to be. Those are two different shapes.

Dressing in clothes that are cute but don't fit well is far worse than dressing in clothes that maybe aren't quite as trendy but fit really well.

Stop tend hopping. This is hard. I know that trends are fun, but not every trend will look good on you. So stop trying to make everything work.

Figure out the trends that do work and wear them well.

2. Choose your brands & shop exclusively.

This tip one might sound odd, and possibly even snobby.

Actually, it's smart and strategic.

I know, from trial and error (aka when I forget this) can always always ALWAYS find pants that fit me at Old Navy. Which means I can find pants that fit me at Old Navy, the Gap, and Banana Republic.

Now, Old Navy isn't my favourite store, but I do find clothes that fit me really well. In fact, I have three pairs of the same pants from there in different colours because I know that when I wear them I look good (or at least I sure hope I do). And if I look good, I feel good. And if I feel good, well, life just runs a bit better.

A few weeks ago, I went shopping. I needed a couple new shirts, so I headed to a store where I knew I'd find clothing that fit my shape and my style.

And guess what, I walked out with clothes that fit my shape and my style. Bam!

3. Get a second opinion. 

Something I noticed from a young age, is that when my Mom and I went shopping, she consistently was asked to give people opinions on what they were trying on.

I love my Mom, so I value her opinion, but it wasn't until I got older that I realized why others did as well.

She was a safe person. She was somebodies Mom (mine!!), sitting outside a fitting room, and she would give an honest opinion. She was kind and gracious with her response, and many a time, I'd hear girls come out of their change room numerous times, to get her opinion again.

I could write blog post upon blog post as to why my Mom is an incredible woman. I'm truly grateful to have a Mom with as few flaws as she.

If I'm unsure about something that I'm trying on, I try to check with somebody. Whether it's the salesperson (which is risky because they might just say yes. Luckily those people are easy to spot. They're the ones that say "get everything" when you ask their opinion. avoid those people. not just with fashion, avoid those people when you need life advice), another person in the change room, or a friend via text, ask ask ask!

It always sucks when you get home, try something on again, and realize that the lighting is way off (as it usually is), or that your mirror doesn't flatter you as well (did you know that stores position their mirrors in such a way that when you're looking in it, you'll look slimmer).

4.  Don't impulse buy unless the item is versatile!

This one is a tough one because I think there is a certain aspect of impulse ingrained in the female heart. When I have a rough day, I want to seek comfort in buying something or eating something.

But really, both of those things are bad choices.

Instead, I'm trying to learn to shop with intention. To have a plan in mind, and a budget in place.

When I go into a store knowing that I need a top, I tend not to buy pants.

If I need a dress, I only look at dresses.

If I need shoes, why would I take time to look at necklaces. Have you seen my necklace collection? It's far too large for its own good.

That being said, sometimes I spot something beautiful. If I am genuinely inspired, I think it's okay to break this rule. But only if it is something that is versatile.

I impulse bought a denim vest two summers ago that remains one of my most worn items. It's my absolute favourite and I'm so glad that I bought it. I would not feel the same way if it wasn't so versatile.


This is bolded and upper cased obnoxiously because I did not realize this until a few weeks back. I went shopping right after work on a day where I'd worn an outfit I loved and makeup that still looked good at 6pm.

As I looked into the mirror as I got ready to strip down and try clothes on, I realized that I looked really pretty.

My hair was done, my makeup was good, and I was ready.

This might not seem like rocket science, and it truly is not, but on the days when I go shopping with bad hair and no makeup, I don't buy good clothes.

I tend to buy clothes that make up for my lack of makeup.

Yet when I go already feeling good about myself when I look in the mirror, I'm more likely to buy clothes that fit better, and are better priced.

Better priced you say, well yes. When I buy clothes feeling bad about myself, I forget about things like budgets and what looks good on me. I simply buy to make myself feel good.

Clothes shouldn't make me feel good. Relationships should. Love should. Sunshine should. Not clothes.

I'm no expert, and really, I feel like I'm only just starting to learn how to shop really well, but I think these tips are great. I also am just starting to really try to implement them. 

But hey, what's a refresh if you don't start.

Let me know how they work for you! Or share your tips! I'd love to hear them.

13 August 2013

{a walk through} psalm 65

God is working

My church is currently walking through a summer series that is focusing on the Psalms. I've found the series absolutely encouraging. I highly recommend taking a listen. Link HERE. The sermon for Psalm 1 is ranked high in my list of personal favourite sermons ever.

I'm loving the Psalm series at my church because it is causing me to really want to study each Psalm as I share them here, more so than before.

I find it amazing how each Psalm points to Jesus in ways that I just really didn't realize.

Do you have certain sermon series at your church that you love? Share them today! I'd love to hear them. Be sure to tell me why you enjoyed it.

12 August 2013

deepest waters.

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United on Grooveshark

This song has been one that has kind of ruined me since I heard it.

When "ruined me" means absolutely has pieced me back together in areas I didn't even know were broken.

The words pierce my heart with hope.

Its truth sets me free to dream, to trust, to walk in full confidence that God is all that He has said He is.

There's been one line I've been singing over and over and over and over in my head.

Your grace abounds in deepest waters.

Grace means to be given something that one did not deserve.

And that grace is felt oh so much in the murky season, the muddiest days.

How have you experienced grace lately?

09 August 2013

I want to be all by myself but I'm not okay being alone

What about me?

I crave community, conversation, big laughter, tons of people, hosting, people together.

I crave quiet. Me. Nobody else. A document open ready to be filled. A city new ready to be explored. All by myself.

Akin to a four year old craving to be let alone, I want to do it all by myself.
Yet I really don't want to be alone.

I crave loud.
I crave still.

If I don't see friends, I feel utterly alone
If I don't have space, I feel completely exhausted.

Which do I feed into?
Which is correct?

This isn't a "woe is me post". I'm not sad about this situation. I'm simply trying to learn it, live it, and thrive in it.

I'm actually loving this learning curve. It stressed me out a little bit when I first started to explore the idea, and every one in a while I wonder why I'm not cookie cutter, but it's a fun balance to seek.

A friend also recently sent me some literature on my personality, which shed some fascinating light on myself. I read it, and felt like I saw myself. I read it to my sister, and she had a lot of "oh wow, yeah" moments, as she heard about me.

Sometimes getting older and figuring all this stuff out is and overwhelming.

Other times, like currently, it's kind of a fun game of guess who.

I loved what Anne Bogel shared this week on the topic, 5 reasons to know your personality

What about you? Do you fall definitely into one or the other? Do you defy the odds like me? What's your balance between the two?

07 August 2013

a life of pages

Today I am sharing a post from last year. It's been edited and made just a bit better.

a life of pages

Sometimes I get nervous and God says, “Why are you worrying about your situation? Just wait a couple pages. I’ve got your whole book up here”.

God’s perspective is beautiful and huge and HUGE and HUGE and HUGE! I needed to write that a few times to just really emphasize His vast presence. God knows what is going on. He know the behind the scenes, around of the scenes, and the hundred thousand years from now scenes.

The places I’m in, the experiences I’m going through, the good and the bad, it’s simply a page.

God’s got my whole book in His hands. It’s pretty inspiring and heart warming (and to be honest, super overwhelming) to think about it.

God is huge and wonderful and big and perfect.

So today I’m choosing to trust in His plan.

My plan, in comparison, really is the worst.

My plan consists of today, a little bit of tomorrow, and fake days after that.

God’s plan consists of yesterday, today, and forever

I live a life of pages. God's font, writing, and spacing.

06 August 2013

{a walk through} psalm 63

Does anyone care for me?


Do you ever make that sound as you wrap your arms around yourself as you settle deep into a thought?

As I mentioned yesterday, I spent the weekend on a bit of an adventure. On Friday evening, I drove to my parents and enjoyed some time with my Mom followed with a video chat with one of my very favourite friends Mackenzie. I woke up the next morning, planning to leave early for the border, but ended up leaving at 2pm. Spending the morning and part of the afternoon chatting with my Mom made a lot more sense than beating border traffic. I had to remind myself as I waited in border traffic though.

I drove down to Bellingham for the bachelorette party of my friend Kym, the first friend I made through twitter. Sunday was spent enjoying good conversation and small adventures in Tacoma with my friend Brittany, another twitter induced friendship. I slept on her spare mattress and drove to Seattle.

Once in Seattle, I walked around a little bit, sat in a great coffee shop for a couple hours, and then drove downtown to meet up with yet another twitter made friend! Erika met me near her work and we walked over to Pike Place Market to enjoy lunch and good conversation.

All of that to say, from where I live, to where my parents live, to Bellingham, to Tacoma, to Seattle, and all the way back home -  it was a lot of driving. This map does not include the time I got lost in Tacoma. ;)

I love driving. I drove speed limit the entire way, which lengthened my drive by a bit, but it was a sweet time. I spent much of my time singing, laughing, crying, and just trying to listen to God.

Yesterday, at some point in my drive between Tacoma and Seattle in the morning, I prayed that the verse today would be a good one. I made the graphic last week, so I couldn't remember what the verse was.

Back to my hm comment at the top.

I got home last night, and after getting some practical life stuff done, I sat down at my computer to see what was up this week on my blog.

I opened up this post, and that's all I said.


And then I wrote all these words.

I think that God sweetly answered my prayer and gave a just genuinely sweet Psalm for today.

See, 63 posts in, there have been an adequate amount of times where I have not loved the Psalm I've written on.

This Psalm, this 63rd Psalm, it's a good one.

I know that I cling to Jesus.
I know that His right hand is holding me upright.
And both of those things, those are good things.

05 August 2013

and what a Monday it is.

It's Monday!

And what a Monday it is.

I mean that in a good way, because as I write this, on Thursday night, I know that on Monday, I'll be super pumped up on life.

Friday is a work day, and that's okay.

Saturday, I'm driving down to Bellingham, in America, to celebrate my sweet friend Kymberly. I'm SO excited and honoured to be co-hosting a bachelorette party for a friend I met on twitter. God is good to have brought us together.

Sunday morning, I'm driving down to Seattle to spend a day with Brittany! I am pumped to have a good conversation, maybe some wine, and just have fun.

Monday, I'm planning to explore Seattle a bit, meet up with Erica for lunch, and then explore the city some more.

It's Monday friends! And as a girl who works Tuesday-Saturday (but was thankful and grateful to have the past 3 Saturday's off), I love my Monday!

I'm sure I'll pop in later this week to share about this weekend, or I'll wait a few weeks like I normally do to share about things because I'm slow.

How's your Monday?

01 August 2013

five minute friday: story

I'm linking up with five minute friday. I'm not quite sure where these words are from, or even what I was trying to say. Maybe I wasn't actually being profound. Maybe I just wrote for five minutes, and all that came out was this. If you're visiting from fmf, be sure to leave a comment. I'd love to get to know you and come read your post as well!


Once upon a time lived a girl with a mighty tall dream.

She would rule the world with a golden sceptor, fly in the clouds, and oh, she would live.

She had all sorts of ideas of the laws she would break, remake, and create.

She drew pictures and painted portraits, wrote poems and stories, all of them pointing to this mighty tall dream.

The dream of forever, the dream of for always, the dream of what was yet to come.

One day, as she was drawing, she heard a song.

It was a beautiful melody, filled with harmonies and poetry. It was loud and yet calm, soothing yet strong. She'd never heard anything like it.

For the first time in her life, she stopped all that she was doing, sat completely still, and simply listened.

She didn't add anything to the song, she didn't take anything away. She simply sat and listened.

The song played on and on, for hours on end, and she listened and listened, and listened some more.

It was a new song, a better song, the prettiest song she'd ever heard.

When it finally finished, she turned back to her drawing and added some bright colours, because her heart was filled with joy.

{a walk through} psalm 62

my soul waits in silence

Sometimes God stirs up my heart to a big idea, a dream larger than anything I could have thought up myself. 

When He does that, I find myself torn between spilling the beans and keeping my dreams tight to my chest.

Oh but, for God alone, him alone, I'm waiting in silence. Listening closely, making tiny steps toward big steps. Trying my very best to keep my feet align with His sweet will.

Silence isn't easy for me, but it also isn't an option.

For Him I wait.
For Him I wait.
For Him. I wait.

My hope is in Him.
And that, well that is the very best.